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Forums - Sales Discussion - MS: Gears 2 sales approaching 3mil. (Is gears 2 a bit overtracked on VGC?)

if microsoft are talking about shipped, then gears of war 2 is way way over tracked!

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It is your choice to believe VGC or MC.
There is certainly no answer to the question unless adjustment is made
Obviously,PS3 fanboys will believe gears of war 2 is over-tracked but if that's what you believe,you are as well saying that all other game sales in VGC are also inaccurate.MC's job is not counting sales for each game and apparently they are not updating the sales records each week,while this is all VGC does and what builds its reputation.This is why we are here.If the numbers are all fake,why are we here?

I don't think they were using shipped number.

NPD will only tell us US number though so no one is gonna know for sure about the world wide number. But we can extrapolate using historical data.

Ismailxp said:

MS revealed that the Gears 2's sales approaching 3mil. 

On VGC the sales stands at 3.3 mil.

I have the feeling that Gears 2 is way overtracked on VGC.

What do you think?



Well if you feel that a number a Microsoft employee gave like that is correct then you must also feel that their 25 million installed base number they gave awhile back is also correct.


no its not being grossly overtracked perhaps by about 300k as some have said but all things considered thats not bad for software

and why do i find it a little funny that the people complaining about gears 2 being overtracked are the same people that said Resistance 2 would sell on par with it?

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BTFeather55 said:
Xbox 360 has been doing incredibly well lately. Hey, its beating the PS3 by 400,000 units a week in all places but Japan (maybe they know or are willing to acknowledge something the rest of us don't (aren't)?), but Gears 2 really doesn't seem to be selling as well as I thought it was going to. It sold 2.1 million copies week one according to the charts, but it really seems to have slowed down quite a bit in subsequent weeks, and I think it's going to be awhile before it passes the first one and that in the long run it will have a really difficult time or impossible time trying to reach Halo 3 numbers. i never thought i would see the day when someone said that 2.1 million copies sold in 1 week isn't very impressive or "expected".  And anyone who thought Gears 2 would put up Halo 3 numbers is just either very misinformed or just ignoring what a juggernaut that game was upon release

Mark Rein Confirms: Gears 2 Sell Through Surpasses 3 million Last Week

After reaching 2 million units sold in its opening weekend, Epic Games told Edge on Monday that Gears of War 2 has rapidly hit another milestone.

Epic Games VP Mark Rein said in an e-mail, "Microsoft [the game's publisher] confirmed to me this afternoon that Gears of War 2 sell-through surpassed 3 million units as of last week."

2006's original Gear of War took around ten weeks to hit the same mark. Gears 2 did it in four.

Completed XBLA: 16 / 32
Completed Retail: 17 / 64
GS Completion %: 82.63%

" i never thought i would see the day when someone said that 2.1 million copies sold in 1 week isn't very impressive or "expected". And anyone who thought Gears 2 would put up Halo 3 numbers is just either very misinformed or just ignoring what a juggernaut that game was upon release"

I didn't say week one wasn't impressive. But that trend didn't seem to continue into subsequent weeks.

Heavens to Murgatoids.

erikers said:

Mark Rein Confirms: Gears 2 Sell Through Surpasses 3 million Last Week

After reaching 2 million units sold in its opening weekend, Epic Games told Edge on Monday that Gears of War 2 has rapidly hit another milestone.

Epic Games VP Mark Rein said in an e-mail, "Microsoft [the game's publisher] confirmed to me this afternoon that Gears of War 2 sell-through surpassed 3 million units as of last week."

2006's original Gear of War took around ten weeks to hit the same mark. Gears 2 did it in four.


 Buh, buh, buh, "sell-through" is sold to consumers, not shipped.

Which means VG's 3.3 M is spot on with "sell-through surpassed 3 million units as of last week"


Yet, today, America's leaders are reenacting every folly that brought these great powers [Russia, Germany, and Japan] to ruin -- from arrogance and hubris, to assertions of global hegemony, to imperial overstretch, to trumpeting new 'crusades,' to handing out war guarantees to regions and countries where Americans have never fought before. We are piling up the kind of commitments that produced the greatest disasters of the twentieth century.
 — Pat Buchanan – A Republic, Not an Empire

Ok, overtracked, undertracked, whatever. All I know is Gears will be one of the highest selling game this year. That is all