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Forums - Sony Discussion - Should I buy a PS3 this holiday?

Honestly, I think it wasn't till very recently (start of Nov) that the PS3 became worth buying. For me, price wasn't an issue. If I was to buy a 360 Pro, I'd spend $300 + $50 on Live + $15-20 on battery stuff. Not very far behind compared to a $400 PS3.

With the recent release of Motorstorm 2, R2, and LBP, and KZ2 coming in Feb, I'd say both consoles are definitely equal in terms of high-quality exclusives. Then there's the release of Home, though whether or not it'll live upto it's hype is still being questioned.

The 360 definitely feels like the more social console right now. The online service is great and worth the fee. Most of the 360's main shooters have splitscreen/co-op. MGS4, KZ2, and R2 can be considered the PS3's top shooters but only one of them has splitscreen, which is a HUGE turnoff for me considering that one of the reasons I quit PC gaming was because I got tired of friends/guests coming over and not being able to play splitscreen.

I still question my purchase of the PS3 even now because I still sorta feel the 360 has many advantages but, I bought it with the future in mind. '09 has some great exclusives coming up and I don't mind waiting for them. Honestly though, it was pretty much KZ2 that made up my mind for me - I just thought that it's gameplay and artistic style was amazing on so many levels.

If you got the money for it and really want the PS3's exclusives, go for it. Still though, you should probably try out some of the games first just incase you end up being dissapointed.

PSN: Parasitic_Link

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Solid_Raiden said:
I own a PS3, 360 and a Wii. I'm also buying "myself" a second PS3 for x-mas. And by myself, I mean my girlfriend so she can get off mine all the time! lol
It is very much worth it. After naming all the games your interested in and saying that your interested in the media functionality of the PS3 I think we both know exactly what your going to do. Because what good is money other then buying lots of awesome video games and pissing away your life?! Exactly, Sex. But hey, you can have sex with your PS3 too and I won't tell anybody.

Dude. it would completely burn your "thing" off.


SMcc1887 said:
Solid_Raiden said:
I own a PS3, 360 and a Wii. I'm also buying "myself" a second PS3 for x-mas. And by myself, I mean my girlfriend so she can get off mine all the time! lol
It is very much worth it. After naming all the games your interested in and saying that your interested in the media functionality of the PS3 I think we both know exactly what your going to do. Because what good is money other then buying lots of awesome video games and pissing away your life?! Exactly, Sex. But hey, you can have sex with your PS3 too and I won't tell anybody.

Dude. it would completely burn your "thing" off.



 It doesn't burn my discs, how would it burn me? I guess after long, extensive entervals of use...

PS3 Trophies



Spiteful49 said:
If the disposable cash is low and you still decide to buy one... Let me give you a little advice.... ASK OUR WIFE!! LOL

Am i included in the wife sharing as well? Because if not I want in!

@OP I would suggest waiting for a price cut, I'll probably pick up a PS3 myself when the price is right, for the amount of PS3 as of now you could buy a sh**load of 360 games. If you have no 360 or Wii games left to play though (seems impossible in my situation as of yet) than go for it.

-=Dew the disco dancing fo da Unco Graham=-

Solid_Raiden said:
SMcc1887 said:
Solid_Raiden said:
I own a PS3, 360 and a Wii. I'm also buying "myself" a second PS3 for x-mas. And by myself, I mean my girlfriend so she can get off mine all the time! lol
It is very much worth it. After naming all the games your interested in and saying that your interested in the media functionality of the PS3 I think we both know exactly what your going to do. Because what good is money other then buying lots of awesome video games and pissing away your life?! Exactly, Sex. But hey, you can have sex with your PS3 too and I won't tell anybody.

Dude. it would completely burn your "thing" off.



 It doesn't burn my discs, how would it burn me? I guess after long, extensive entervals of use...


 lol, guy "parts" are usually alot more sensitive than disks. Anyways, how are you supposed to fit it through? Would the disk reader suck it up like it sucks in disks? I think i'l stick to hot girls:)

Around the Network

Hey have any of you guys noticed that ever since the NXE update, XBOX LIVE has been somewhat more quiet? Very strange, and I know this is off topic btw...


leo-j said:
Hey have any of you guys noticed that ever since the NXE update, XBOX LIVE has been somewhat more quiet? Very strange, and I know this is off topic btw...

I was just about to give a constructive reply until I spotted that you are nearly VG$8000 in debt? How did you lose so much.........a couple of permabans?


SMcc1887 said:
leo-j said:
Hey have any of you guys noticed that ever since the NXE update, XBOX LIVE has been somewhat more quiet? Very strange, and I know this is off topic btw...

I was just about to give a constructive reply until I spotted that you are nearly VG$8000 in debt? How did you lose so much.........a couple of permabans?


The recession is affecting everyone.........

Price Cut due March 09.

2 years after the Euro Zone launch but will probably only be 50 GBP.

Might it not be worth borrowing someones if its only 2 games your interested in ?

josenieves1 said:

For the Spanish speakers (readers): ¿Debo adquirir una consola PS3 estas Navidades?

I have both a Wii and the Xbox360.  I love both because of the diversity of games and extra functionality.  Love RPG (Japanese and western).  Love "casual" games like Animal Crossing / Harvest Moon (!!!! my wife plays it and I catch the “virus”) and love "hardcore" games like Halo / Bioshock / Wii Kart (yes, WiiKart is hardcore).  Also love the streaming capabilities of the Xbox360 and the Live online service.

Does the PS3 will offer me other/better gaming experience or is better for me to save the intended purchase money towards other Wii60 games like Fallout / Gears 2 / Wii Music? 

Please excuse my English.  My maternal language and the one that I use in my Work / friends / family / University is Spanish for about 90% of the time. 

Please comment.



 you should buy a ps3 considering how many exclusives are coming out next year, and the ones out now are pretty good.

but i recommend since you have some games to keep you occupy you should wait till next year to buy a ps3 cause they most likely will be a price cut early next year since blu ray is now cheaper to make. but here is a list of ps3 exclusives you can look up and consider buying.

NOTE- there are many exclusives not included in this list because its a bit outdated, its just some of the many