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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Can You Believe We Used To Argue About.... (Fill in the black)

I can't believe nobody has said:

"RRoD will be the demise of the 360."

But this one happens way too often to even list all the games it applies to:

"Judging by early sales, ______ is a flop"

*_____ is then declared to be a success by the publisher and a sequel is announced*

"The worst part about these reviews is they are [subjective]--and their scores often depend on how drunk you got the media at a Street Fighter event."  — Mona Hamilton, Capcom Senior VP of Marketing
*Image indefinitely borrowed from BrainBoxLtd without his consent.

Around the Network

- The Power of Cell
- Just wait till XXX come
- PS3 will overtake 360 in Q4 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010
- 2007, 2008, 2009 is the year of PS3
- GTA 4 will kill Wii
- Wii is the last Nintendo console and will not sell good (shame on me)
- Wii third party support will picking up and good games will fall as apples
- People buy PS3 just as players

--OkeyDokey-- said:

Thinking back, there were all these threads about Wii third party support picking up.
"3rd parties were caught off guard by Wii's success! You'll see. 3rd parties will start shifting focus towards Nintendo once they've finished up on their HD projects!"

Two years later, still nothing

Well in terms of Japanese support I would say it has already happened. I plan on buying around 30-40 wii games releasing next year. Almost all of them are third party. So while they may not be big name, high-budget games like the HD consoles get, they could be just as good or in some cases even better. I just leave Nintendo with the big names, and third parties could give good-excellent games that aren't as popular but of the same quality. Most of the DS' third party support started out the same.  I do agree though that some people made it sound like the Wii would get all of the third party support, which never would or will happen. Also western support imo seems lacking. Hopefully that will come too.  In conclusion this is how I put it.


1st Party/2nd Party: Big Name Mainstream Titles, with a few niche titles (Sin&Punishment, Fatal Frame IV)

3rd Party: Niche, but Excellent Titles that are mostly/all exclusive.

HD Consoles:

1st/2nd: Mainstream Titles

3rd: Mainstream TItles, mostly multiplat.

So imo the Wii has BETTER support than the HD Consoles. This is because it has both Niche and Mainstream titles, where a good amount of the good games on the HD Consoles are Mainstream. Anyway it is wrong to say "still nothing" , because there is alot, just not the same type that the HD Consoles get. That is left to 1st Parties.


Groucho said:
Comrade Tovya said:
How about the 900 threads proclaiming that Sony would crush the inferior 360 & Wii...? well, Sony is in last place and this thread just keeps popping up anyway.

The only thing that changes is the year prediction & quarter... first it was 4th quarter '07, then 2nd quarter '08, etc, etc.

When does it stop? 2012?


Didn't someone do some tests and, in fact, prove that this was true from the very beginning?  From a height of about 5 feet, I'm pretty certain the PS3 does crush either a Wii or a X360, and from about 7 feet, I bet it crushes both at once.

yes it is the most durable... and heavy :p big too XD powerfull!


It's the cell !


Anyways. on OP:

all the ps3 is doomed threads.. I mean comon guys XD there were so many that bengabenga had to make an official one !


Check out my game about moles ^

sc94597 said:
--OkeyDokey-- said:

Thinking back, there were all these threads about Wii third party support picking up.
"3rd parties were caught off guard by Wii's success! You'll see. 3rd parties will start shifting focus towards Nintendo once they've finished up on their HD projects!"

Two years later, still nothing

Well in terms of Japanese support I would say it has already happened. I plan on buying around 30-40 wii games releasing next year. Almost all of them are third party. So while they may not be big name, high-budget games like the HD consoles get, they could be just as good or in some cases even better. I just leave Nintendo with the big names, and third parties could give good-excellent games that aren't as popular but of the same quality. Most of the DS' third party support started out the same.  I do agree though that some people made it sound like the Wii would get all of the third party support, which never would or will happen. Also western support imo seems lacking. Hopefully that will come too.  In conclusion this is how I put it.


1st Party/2nd Party: Big Name Mainstream Titles, with a few niche titles (Sin&Punishment, Fatal Frame IV)

3rd Party: Niche, but Excellent Titles that are mostly/all exclusive.

HD Consoles:

1st/2nd: Mainstream Titles

3rd: Mainstream TItles, mostly multiplat.

So imo the Wii has BETTER support than the HD Consoles. This is because it has both Niche and Mainstream titles, where a good amount of the good games on the HD Consoles are Mainstream. Anyway it is wrong to say "still nothing" , because there is alot, just not the same type that the HD Consoles get. That is left to 1st Parties.


I don't think you could possibly be any more delusional...

Around the Network
--OkeyDokey-- said:
sc94597 said:
--OkeyDokey-- said:

Thinking back, there were all these threads about Wii third party support picking up.
"3rd parties were caught off guard by Wii's success! You'll see. 3rd parties will start shifting focus towards Nintendo once they've finished up on their HD projects!"

Two years later, still nothing

Well in terms of Japanese support I would say it has already happened. I plan on buying around 30-40 wii games releasing next year. Almost all of them are third party. So while they may not be big name, high-budget games like the HD consoles get, they could be just as good or in some cases even better. I just leave Nintendo with the big names, and third parties could give good-excellent games that aren't as popular but of the same quality. Most of the DS' third party support started out the same.  I do agree though that some people made it sound like the Wii would get all of the third party support, which never would or will happen. Also western support imo seems lacking. Hopefully that will come too.  In conclusion this is how I put it.


1st Party/2nd Party: Big Name Mainstream Titles, with a few niche titles (Sin&Punishment, Fatal Frame IV)

3rd Party: Niche, but Excellent Titles that are mostly/all exclusive.

HD Consoles:

1st/2nd: Mainstream Titles

3rd: Mainstream TItles, mostly multiplat.

So imo the Wii has BETTER support than the HD Consoles. This is because it has both Niche and Mainstream titles, where a good amount of the good games on the HD Consoles are Mainstream. Anyway it is wrong to say "still nothing" , because there is alot, just not the same type that the HD Consoles get. That is left to 1st Parties.


I don't think you could possibly be any more delusional...


Well he could think that we all live in a giant mushroom and pipe filled world where you jump on mushrooms to gain super powers.....









j/k :P

Check out my game about moles ^

Lemme see here...

The Wii is Doomed Week: That one week earlier this year where there was a negative Wii article released about every day. Each day was another trial in patience.

GTAIV Will Kill the Wii: Not just now, but in the past too.

360 is doomed!: The week after price cuts, the 360 could barely outsell the PS3. It was only a matter of time until Sony dominance...

PS3 is doomed!: ...and then the sales were updated.

VGChartz Polls: Where the 360 would sell 23 million consoles this year, and where LBP and MGS4 would outsell everything else.

LBP Will Be Huge!: No we get it, you don't have to repeat yourself.

--OkeyDokey-- said:
sc94597 said:
--OkeyDokey-- said:

Thinking back, there were all these threads about Wii third party support picking up.
"3rd parties were caught off guard by Wii's success! You'll see. 3rd parties will start shifting focus towards Nintendo once they've finished up on their HD projects!"

Two years later, still nothing

Well in terms of Japanese support I would say it has already happened. I plan on buying around 30-40 wii games releasing next year. Almost all of them are third party. So while they may not be big name, high-budget games like the HD consoles get, they could be just as good or in some cases even better. I just leave Nintendo with the big names, and third parties could give good-excellent games that aren't as popular but of the same quality. Most of the DS' third party support started out the same.  I do agree though that some people made it sound like the Wii would get all of the third party support, which never would or will happen. Also western support imo seems lacking. Hopefully that will come too.  In conclusion this is how I put it.


1st Party/2nd Party: Big Name Mainstream Titles, with a few niche titles (Sin&Punishment, Fatal Frame IV)

3rd Party: Niche, but Excellent Titles that are mostly/all exclusive.

HD Consoles:

1st/2nd: Mainstream Titles

3rd: Mainstream TItles, mostly multiplat.

So imo the Wii has BETTER support than the HD Consoles. This is because it has both Niche and Mainstream titles, where a good amount of the good games on the HD Consoles are Mainstream. Anyway it is wrong to say "still nothing" , because there is alot, just not the same type that the HD Consoles get. That is left to 1st Parties.


I don't think you could possibly be any more delusional...

Please elaborate on how I'm delusional? Is it not true that the highest rated and critically aclaimed games on the PS360 are fairly mainstream? Is it not  true that the highest rated third party Wii games are fairly niche? As for 30-40 games in 09 I could list them if you wish.

-The Conduit

-House of Dead: Overkill

-Sin & Punishment 2



-Arc Rise Fantasia

-Rune Factory Frontei

-Muramasa:Demon Blade

-Dynamic Slash

-Sonic and the Black Knight


-Cosmic Walker

-Punch Out

-Fatal Frame IV

-Overlord:Dark Legend

- Tenchu IV



-Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: The Crystal Bearers

-Valhalla Knights Elder Saga

-Klonoa Door to Phantomille


- Deadly Creatures

-Cursed Mountain

-Disaster Day of Crisis(Has yet to release in the U.S)

-Bleach: Versus Crusade

-Tatsunoko vs Capcom(Probably will import this)

-Little King Story

-Red Steel 2

-Pikmin 3(almost certain it will be released next year)

That is 30 games right there. This isn't including projects that where announced to be in the works but there isn't info on them.  Out of those 30, 23 are third parties btw. Also I would like you to choose one of these games which could be considered "low standards". I'm pretty sure I will have fun with  all of those games.




sc94597 said:
--OkeyDokey-- said:
sc94597 said:
--OkeyDokey-- said:

Thinking back, there were all these threads about Wii third party support picking up.
"3rd parties were caught off guard by Wii's success! You'll see. 3rd parties will start shifting focus towards Nintendo once they've finished up on their HD projects!"

Two years later, still nothing

Well in terms of Japanese support I would say it has already happened. I plan on buying around 30-40 wii games releasing next year. Almost all of them are third party. So while they may not be big name, high-budget games like the HD consoles get, they could be just as good or in some cases even better. I just leave Nintendo with the big names, and third parties could give good-excellent games that aren't as popular but of the same quality. Most of the DS' third party support started out the same.  I do agree though that some people made it sound like the Wii would get all of the third party support, which never would or will happen. Also western support imo seems lacking. Hopefully that will come too.  In conclusion this is how I put it.


1st Party/2nd Party: Big Name Mainstream Titles, with a few niche titles (Sin&Punishment, Fatal Frame IV)

3rd Party: Niche, but Excellent Titles that are mostly/all exclusive.

HD Consoles:

1st/2nd: Mainstream Titles

3rd: Mainstream TItles, mostly multiplat.

So imo the Wii has BETTER support than the HD Consoles. This is because it has both Niche and Mainstream titles, where a good amount of the good games on the HD Consoles are Mainstream. Anyway it is wrong to say "still nothing" , because there is alot, just not the same type that the HD Consoles get. That is left to 1st Parties.


I don't think you could possibly be any more delusional...

Please elaborate on how I'm delusional? Is it not true that the highest rated and critically aclaimed games on the PS360 are fairly mainstream? Is it not  true that the highest rated third party Wii games are fairly niche? As for 30-40 games in 09 I could list them if you wish.

-The Conduit

-House of Dead: Overkill

-Sin & Punishment 2



-Arc Rise Fantasia

-Rune Factory Frontei

-Muramasa:Demon Blade

-Dynamic Slash

-Sonic and the Black Knight


-Cosmic Walker

-Punch Out

-Fatal Frame IV

-Overlord:Dark Legend

- Tenchu IV



-Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: The Crystal Bearers

-Valhalla Knights Elder Saga

-Klonoa Door to Phantomille


- Deadly Creatures

-Cursed Mountain

-Disaster Day of Crisis(Has yet to release in the U.S)

-Bleach: Versus Crusade

-Tatsunoko vs Capcom(Probably will import this)

-Little King Story

-Red Steel 2

-Pikmin 3(almost certain it will be released next year)

That is 30 games right there. This isn't including projects that where announced to be in the works but there isn't info on them.  Out of those 30, 23 are third parties btw. Also I would like you to choose one of these games which could be considered "low standards". I'm pretty sure I will have fun with  all of those games.




Hey, if that's your idea of a good lineup then far be it from me to tell you otherwise....

Remember that hilarious graph from an analyst that came out less than a year ago? The one that had Wii winning the console war... then all of a sudden in the last year, PS3 sells 40+ million consoles and wins out.

I loved that

PC + Wii owners unite.  Our last-gen dying platforms have access to nearly every 90+ rated game this gen.  Building a PC that visually outperforms PS360 is cheap and easy.    Oct 7th 2010 predictions (made Dec 17th '08)
PC: 10^9
Wii: 10^8