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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Can You Believe We Used To Argue About.... (Fill in the black)

Comrade Tovya said:
How about the 900 threads proclaiming that Sony would crush the inferior 360 & Wii...? well, Sony is in last place and this thread just keeps popping up anyway.

The only thing that changes is the year prediction & quarter... first it was 4th quarter '07, then 2nd quarter '08, etc, etc.

When does it stop? 2012?


Didn't someone do some tests and, in fact, prove that this was true from the very beginning?  From a height of about 5 feet, I'm pretty certain the PS3 does crush either a Wii or a X360, and from about 7 feet, I bet it crushes both at once.

Around the Network

"PS3 will close the gap to Xbox360 in mid - late 08" LeoJ.

"Great games do need BluRay these days. No good game can still be released on a DVD" from another German forum. :)

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--OkeyDokey-- said:

Thinking back, there were all these threads about Wii third party support picking up.
"3rd parties were caught off guard by Wii's success! You'll see. 3rd parties will start shifting focus towards Nintendo once they've finished up on their HD projects!"

Two years later, still nothing.



Not quite two years. It took about six months for the Wiivolution to really become apparant, and even then it would take some time for any company to shift support. I'd wait on dispelling this rumor until at least this E3, if not next holiday.

izaaz101 said:
GTAIV will kill the wii was quite fun.


This...and the hilarity that ensued with FishyJoe's graph where the PS3 went back in time (or was it the Wii?).

¯¯¯¯¯¯My anti-drug™

DirtyP2002 said:
Esmoreit said:
I also almost forgot: "Halo 3 will be THE shooter of 2007!)


 Is this post

  1. irony or
  2. trolling


Well, Bioshock, Call of Duty 4, and The Orange Box were all much, much better than Halo 3.

"We'll toss the dice however they fall,
And snuggle the girls be they short or tall,
Then follow young Mat whenever he calls,
To dance with Jak o' the Shadows."

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Around the Network

remember when all the "marioboys" would buy galaxy and the wii would somehow get negative sales.....those were the days, or the one where everybodies Wii was gathering dust...

1. The Wii is just a fad and will stop selling after its first year

2. Resistance 2 will sell at least as good if not better than Gears 2

3. OMGZ PS3 is DEAD!!!! / OMGZ 360 is DEAD!!!!

Incandescence said:
izaaz101 said:
GTAIV will kill the wii was quite fun.


This...and the hilarity that ensued with FishyJoe's graph where the PS3 went back in time (or was it the Wii?).

Oh man, I totally forgot about many things happened during those few days.

ps3 will pass the 360 this year

yeah not happening this year and will probably not happen next year

outlawauron said:
DirtyP2002 said:
Esmoreit said:
I also almost forgot: "Halo 3 will be THE shooter of 2007!)


 Is this post

  1. irony or
  2. trolling


Well, Bioshock, Call of Duty 4, and The Orange Box were all much, much better than Halo 3.

Well, that is your taste. I love Halo. Halo3 will be the first HD-game this gen, that will sell 10million units and it will be the most selled shooter of all time on any console. So we might say it was the shooter of the year 07. And as we have seen, the 1 year old game just got back on spot #1 on Xbox Live.

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