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Forums - Sony Discussion - What will happen if Killzone 2 bombs?

I am not saying it will and highly prefer it not to, but what would happen if it did? Would do you think would happen to Sony, the Playstation 3, etc?

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Thats when we can actually say the PS3 has nothing left that could save it

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^GT5... I'd say an even harder casual push would be the first party result, nothing different from third parties.

Killzone wont bomb... But if you think 1 game will turn it all around you are getting your hopes too high.

that said GT5 really has the best chance of giving the PS3 a crapload of mo.

End of 2009 Predictions (Set, January 1st 2009)

Wii- 72 million   3rd Year Peak, better slate of releases

360- 37 million   Should trend down slightly after 3rd year peak

PS3- 29 million  Sales should pick up next year, 3rd year peak and price cut

Nothing much. Hype trains crash all the time. They either start a new one, merge, or go out of business. Nothing we haven't seen before.

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The Ghost of RubangB said:
Nothing much. Hype trains crash all the time. They either start a new one, merge, or go out of business. Nothing we haven't seen before.


Yeh pretty much what he said.

Define flop. :P

I mean, some people are saying that LittleBigPlanet flopped, when it sold a million in only a month. That is damn good for a new IP.

i dont think much risk is on that game fps fans probably already have x360 because of xbox live and halo and gears of war

killzone wont be such a high seller i think White knight chronicles well be a more important factor for ps3 because many people wait for some good exclusive ps3 Jrpg

If Killzone 2 flops, I expect there will be a lot of threads on VGChartz about it.

It is highly likly that Killzone 2 is going to sell well under eveyones expectations. I am predicting first week sales of:

USA - 275k
EU - 330k
Japan - 30k
Total - 635k

and by the end of April

USA - 450k
EU - 575K
Japan - 65k
Total - 1.14M

and by the end of 09

USA - 800k
EU - 1.2M
Japan - 100k
Total - 2.1M

I think the game should sell more like this in reality, but Sony will not create hype outside of the message boards.

USA - 2.5M
EU - 3.5M
Japan - 100k
Total - 6.1M

Should my predicted sales become reality I would hope Sony fires every person marketing in the games division across the whole company. Sadly they will not, and the trail of amazing games with crap sales will continue, taking Infamous, Uncharted 2, Ratchet and Clanck Future 2, Heavy Rain, and Gran Turismo 5 down to that magic 2 - 3 million mark.

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