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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Best console + game(s) bundle

A. Wii console + Wii Sports + Wii Music = $250

B. PS3 console 80GB with DS3 chose of either LBP, Resistance 2 or Motorstorm 2 = $400

C. XBox 360 Pro 60GB + Halo 3 + Gears of War + Mass Effect + Kung Fu Panda = $250

Simply write down A,B or C. One vote only per person.

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kung fu panda for the win

Where are you getting these bundles from?

Whevener I see Mass Effect on any list of any kind, it's obviously getting my vote!

So C!

Random game thought :
Why is Bionic Commando Rearmed 2 getting so much hate? We finally get a real game and they're not even satisfied... I'm starting to hate the gaming community so f****** much...

Watch my insane gameplay videos on my YouTube page!

The bundles are from  my country converted into US dollars so that you can all understand how much value they offer. IMO they all look like great value especially A and C. But I would give the edge to C - four games.

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I've seen all three of these bundles.


explains exactly how 360 is doing so well this holiday. They've come a long way since the xbox introduction 6 years ago.

C, I'd like to know whose giving you all that for $250.

Dam where you from with those prices? I love PS3 but there's no denying a good deal so pick C.