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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Wii60 or PS360?

I've owned a 360 since launch, and have thoroughly enjoyed many hours of gaming with it. I have had a few RRODs with my original console over the past month but the towel trick keeps bringing it back to life for a week or two. The towel trick may work for now but I will be getting a brand new XBox 360 for Xmas.

I planned to buy a PS3 late last year after the price cuts, but I could not justify spending the dough, because I didn't have enough time to even finish all the 360 games I own.  So I decided against it. The heavy price tag of PS3 - $400 to $500 combined with the lack of games that interest me. I do not like stealth or JRPG games which are the highest rated games on the PS3. All other genres are well taken care of on the X360.

More recently, I've thought about getting a Wii.  Several of the games I'm interested in on the Wii include SSBB, MKWii, Super Mario Galaxy, Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess, RE4 and few other games I can not  remember at the moment are good on the Wii. The interactivity of the motion control is a huge advantage over the HD consoles which offer no improvement in regards to control in comparison rto last generation. The graphics and online capabilities of all consoles have improved upon last generation.

The PS3 Cell has led to long delay of games, Blu-Ray has been an expensive inclusion in the console that has adversely impacted on PS3 sales. You need 1080p HDTV for Blu-Ray which is more dough, I only have a SD TV at the moment. PS3 has ditched BC to make a cheaper console in a bid for Sony to make more money from gamers buying only PS3 games.

So, with all that being said, PS3 supporters, tell me why I should change my mind back to the PS3.  Wii owners feel free to rebutt anything they say, but both sides please be nice.  :)

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PS360 is just silly.
2 HD consoles? they both offer the same types of games (mostly)

WiiPS3 here.


God of War III:PS3

I go PS360 but thats just cause the wii dosnt interest me at all. But whatever floats ur boat

Long Live SHIO!

Well, it seems you can't really get benefits from buying a PS3 (blu-ray and 1080p, etc), so get the Wii.

The PS3 is definitely going to get a price drop one day, and you'll be able to experience the hot 1st party games available on the system. You might be a bit late to the party though! o.O

Random game thought :
Why is Bionic Commando Rearmed 2 getting so much hate? We finally get a real game and they're not even satisfied... I'm starting to hate the gaming community so f****** much...

Watch my insane gameplay videos on my YouTube page!

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The wii gets the most exclusives out of all the consoles. So if you have an HD Console for multiplats then you won't find as much value in your second hd console gamewise as you would if you got a Wii.

The PS3 has media advantages like you said, but you don't have an HDTV right now to fully benefit. The PS3 has alot of great exclusives that you may like as well.

I say just count up how many games you are interested in on each system. Give them each a rating based on how much interested you are in them. Then add up the ratings and whichever has the higher score go with it. Also determine how important gaming is and other features such as media are if you are still uncertain. Also try playing both consoles at friends houses and such and see what you like more. Also factor in your budget. The Wii is cheaper, the games are cheaper, and you may have to buy an hdtv with the ps3 for the full effect. If money is a problem then there goes points towards the Wii. If money isn't a problem then think about a ps3. There are just to many decisions that depend on the person for anybody to tell you what to choose. People could give you information and you judge from that, but that is about it.

I have PSWii. I would suggest you get the Wii as you already have an HD console. You will miss out on some great PS3 exclusives though.

Don't Worry.....Be Happy


Wii60, the reason is that its much cheaper and by the time the really compelling games start arriving ala next year for the PS3, you'd likely be able to pick one up cheaper with some awesome bundled games and be able to pick up the recent awesome games very cheaply used.


