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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Star Ocean The Last Hope


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It looks great. But, I'll judge it when I get my copy. Too many games get very high expectations just to bring me crashing to earth again.

Now, I don't judge anything until it is shipping and in my hands.

Shadowblind said:
Riachu said:
The game looks visually appealing especially if you are willing to live with some of the doll-like character models. Knocking ToV and LO from the 360 JRPG throne won't be very hard for SO4.

As much as I love Star Ocean, I doubt it will be able to topple Tales of Vesperia. It was like JRPG and gaming ecstasy.



hey BTW dude nice sig, i just want to point that out.

Playing Assassin's Creed and Resident evil 5 <3

I dont want to be fanboy anymore...Why? it takes to much work but i will call on ppl on there B.S!!!:)

ZenfoldorVGI said:
Riachu said:
ZenfoldorVGI said:
Riachu said:
The game looks visually appealing especially if you are willing to live with some of the doll-like character models. Knocking ToV and LO from the 360 JRPG throne won't be very hard for SO4.

I disagree. Vesperia was vastly superior to the good, but not great, Star Ocean: Till the end of Time on the PS2.

Before you ask, yes I have a copy, yes I beat it, and yes it's a very weak game compared to any Final Fantasy.

Star Ocean 2 on the PS1, however, was magnificant.

I am not sure if you know this but tri-Ace are fixing many flaws that were in SO3. SO4 dethroning ToV won't be as hard as you think if you take that into consideration.



I probably value Vesperia more than you. I think it's the best Tales game. Any JRPG will have a tough time beating it in my eyes. I loved it. Put well over 100 hours in. I think it was an amazing game, and one of the best series that has actually been better this gen than last.

I actually like TTEoT a lot, but I'm not sure if Tri-Ace knows the games biggest flaw. Lack of character development. That's a flaw in more than a few of their games, actually, and nearly a staple of the Star Ocean series. I can't even remember the names of the darn characters from a star ocean game, except for maybe "ashton(?)" from the epic SO2.

Anyway, yes, I really hope Star Ocean can top Vesperia for me. Vesperia focused around character development the entire game....but I just don't play a lot of jrpgs that I like anymore. Vesperia hit my niche perfectly. This coming from me, who disliked Lost Odyssey, and despised Eternal Sonata.

If this game, with its graphics, is to knock off Vesperia for me as best next gen jrpg game, then it'll probably be AAA on the rankings sites, because it's gonna have to put the same greatness that was in Vesperia with its current epic Final Fantasy type presentation. Most reviewers base about half their score on presentation, so yep...

The problem seems to be caused by the fact that some of the characters in the SO games are optional.  I wouldn't call lack of character development the biggest flaw in SO3.  IMO, that title belongs to the large amount of backtracking and the sometimes unclear goals in the game.


~flame said:
my personal GOTY of 2009 IMO. I'm afraid this game will get 7.5 IMO critics have been harsh with JRPG's this gen. lost odyssey was really great.

I agree.  I think some of the critics were a tad too harsh on LO just because the game was turn based and that the main plot was generic.  I mean, haven't they realised that LO is more about characters than plot.  However, I think SO4 will be one of the exceptions.


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Ohhh wow... The game looks fantastic. I already wanted it, sort of by default, since I'm a Star Ocean fan but seeing those videos make me want the game very much. SO4:TLH will be epic!

Travelling from planet to planet = Instant fricking win! This is the Star Ocean game I've been asking for! Sci-fi for the win! ^^

Random game thought :
Why is Bionic Commando Rearmed 2 getting so much hate? We finally get a real game and they're not even satisfied... I'm starting to hate the gaming community so f****** much...

Watch my insane gameplay videos on my YouTube page!

~flame said:
Shadowblind said:
Riachu said:
The game looks visually appealing especially if you are willing to live with some of the doll-like character models. Knocking ToV and LO from the 360 JRPG throne won't be very hard for SO4.

As much as I love Star Ocean, I doubt it will be able to topple Tales of Vesperia. It was like JRPG and gaming ecstasy.



hey BTW dude nice sig, i just want to point that out.

Thanks, awesome avatar and sig

I think critics are actually gonna be more leniant on this JRPG then others. Can't say why; probably because it has a little bit of Final Fantasy feel to it, and reviewers fawn over that. Plus its Star Ocean, and the graphics are INSANE! 


GOTY Contestants this year: Dead Space 2, Dark Souls, Tales of Graces f. Everything else can suck it.

Why do they keep making JRPGs for the Xbox 360?!

McDonaldsGuy said:
Why do they keep making JRPGs for the Xbox 360?!


idk ask the fans dat keep buying it and loving it.

Playing Assassin's Creed and Resident evil 5 <3

I dont want to be fanboy anymore...Why? it takes to much work but i will call on ppl on there B.S!!!:)