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Forums - Gaming Discussion - If You Had To Chose Your Next Gen Console Today...

What Twestern said.

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Nintendo's next console and Nintendo DS 2

Wii 2. I really need Super Smash Bros., Zelda, Mario and others.

Formação do indíviduo, transformação da sociedade.

If Nintendo and Sony had some kind of sex orgy resulting in a console that would be epic win and I would surely buy that.

If not, I believe Sony has the greatest first party games that I enjoy so I would surely but their system as 1st and 2nd party games will surely be the only non multiplats in the next gen.

PS3 Trophies



Solid_Raiden said:
If Nintendo and Sony had some kind of sex orgy resulting in a console that would be epic win and I would surely buy that.

If not, I believe Sony has the greatest first party games that I enjoy so I would surely but their system as 1st and 2nd party games will surely be the only non multiplats in the next gen.

I think a console orgy would be more appropriate... 

Best first party games = Nintendo.

Formação do indíviduo, transformação da sociedade.

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I have a tendency to say PS4 or Xbox3. But I can't really say right now. Only when more news come.

Why not a nintendo console? Well... I didn't have a gamecube last gen and got a wii this gen. I was amazed at how many games I had to play as I got games from two gens (gc + wii). If there is proper backwards compatibility next gen for one of these two, then I would be inclined to buying it and getting two gen games again (ps3+ps4 or xbox2+xbox3). That would be awesome! Two generations from now I would get a nintendo system again to play their amazing games.

If they fuck up on backwards compatibility like they did this generation, then I would go for the Wii2 as I think nintendo has the best 1st party games.

Nintendo's next console. The thought of a HD Wii is just amazing. But we don't know what to expect next, perhaps MS and SONY both step it up and do something amazing. We never know.

Xbox Forever man.

Whatever Nintendo brings out will be a must buy as well, unless they pull a Sony...
I won't play $600 for any system EVER period.

Official member of the Xbox 360 Squad

MS is a shady company that has a history of moneyhatting and using dirty, underhanded tactics to steal exclusives away from the competition.

Therefore I'll go with the next Xbox.

Xbox 720.....loved Xbox 1 w/ Halo, GTA & Counter-Strike and Xbox LIVE. Then 360 came with Call of Duty & Gears, VASTLY IMPROVED Xbox LIVE, has the best game controller in history (IMHO), and now the NXE came out with 8-player parties & Game Installs......Xbox 720 will only continue to improve the Xbox brand name.

360 will outsell PS3 YTD for 2008. (CHECK!)
360 will have the best showing at E3 & TGS in 2009
2009 will be another year for the 360 over PS3
End OF 2009 SALES :: 360 - 40M;  PS3 - 30M; Wii - 70M