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Forums - Sales Discussion - Star Ocean 4 or White Knight Chronicles?

Of course I was talking about Jrpg's ... And stop with the marketing excuse please ...

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WKC will be lucky to sell half the number as SO4.

Tremble said:
Of course I was talking about Jrpg's ... And stop with the marketing excuse please ...

What excuse? Tales of Vesperia got absolutely ZERO marketing and wasn't even shipped right, thats why what happened happened. So fact, marketing DOES make a difference.

Oh, and you can't go by VGChartz numbers; they haven't even been updated in 2 months fo ToV. For all we know, they could be close to 40k.


GOTY Contestants this year: Dead Space 2, Dark Souls, Tales of Graces f. Everything else can suck it.

definitely STAR ocean

And what about blue dragon and eternal sonata?

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CGI-Quality said:
@ Riachu

Yes but TLR and Infinite Undiscovery were, in a sense, letdowns. People are drawing these conclusions on the basis of that alone. Beyond that, compare PS2 RPG sales to 360, even when the userbases were at the same points in terms of numbers. PS2 RPGs sold much more, of course that would be that PS2 was a Japanese system and 360 hasn't proven itself to be a “must-have” JRPG system yet . This is why people are drawing these conclusions.

They just need to increase the marketing and the quality of the games and the 360 will be the must have JRPG system


Hard to say.......Star Ocean obviously has SE and it's an established IP, but it's coming out in a big month with SFIV and Yakuza 3 as well as close to the rumored PS3 price drop.
We haven't seen much of WKC and it's just 3 weeks away....And even though WKC is coming out with at a better time with less competition, I'm gonna say SO4 outsells it.

You would think SO4 would sell more because SO has had decent sales outside of Japan whereas other Level 5 games like Dark Cloud and Rogue Galaxy have done...ok. But WKC will do much better in Japan and JRPG sales for 360 games have been very underwhelming. However, I'm not sure how NA/EU will respond to WKC...maybe they will think it sounds similar to Oblivion and buy it, haha.

I'm giving the slight edge to WKC.

People comparing JRPGs to SRPGs... incredible...

SRPGs are niche titles, they all sell small, Sega wasn't expecting big numbers with Valkyria, and Nippon Ichi wasn't expecting that with Disgaea 3... They know how those sell... It's also good to the PS3 userbase comparison because PS2 had more userbase than both PS3 and 360 combined when other SRPGs hitted, and they sold similarly...

Now, can we go back to talk about JRPGs???

No way to know about the sales, but in quality I hope they are both great. I'll get my PS3 back if WKC doesn't turn into another Rogue Galaxy.

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I don't need your console war.