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Forums - General Discussion - Anyone think some of our mods are a little sensitivie ?

I won't mention names or specific bannings and this has nothing to do with anything that happened to me but the mods seem to be highly sensitive to anything that might apear to be trolling , i've seen at least two users banned in the last two days for apparently trolling when it could just as easily been interprited as a harmless post/thread.

I think we need a clear defintion of what "trolling" is me saying  "I don't like XXX console" could be interprited as trolling or " I think XXX is nice but XXX is far better". And even when a clear definition is given mods need to take into account the context the post was written or how the user might feel it should be interpirted instead of banning purely on the content of the post(which I have noticed alot).

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no i think they are doing a great job

Sorry, its just you and a select few who think this....




Guitar Hero 3/ Smash Hits

This is the kind of site where arguments over console superiority can easily break out, and rabid fanboys can get loose and go crazy. The mods NEED to be strict in order to keep things from going haywire. That aside, I haven't seen any ban that I didn't think was appropriate, and I think the mods do an excellent job.

I think it depends on what situation. If you go into a Nintendo game thread or Wii related thread and start saying how X other console is good/better or w/e I can understand them calling it trolling.

Plus some people here don't seem to understand the first time... It takes them more than few bans to get something through their thick heads.

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Sensitive/=/ strict. Strict mods are good mods.

The mods are doing a great job.

Nintendo still doomed?
Feel free to add me on 3DS or Switch! (PM me if you do ^-^)
Nintendo ID: Mako91                  3DS code: 4167-4543-6089

Uh million, strict mods are good mods, mmmmmkay....

Yeah, I think the vast majority of people who get banned were asking for it... literally. I've seen guys call the mods dirty words and then say, "please ban me, I don't care". Then they get banned, and get mad about it... I mean really, what do you expect? A pat on the back?


Wii Code:



XBOX LIVE: Comrade Tovya 2


*Sniffles* How could you say that? WE WORK SO HARD!!!! :'''''''''(

On one hand, I agree with you. If we had the policies we do now back when I was a member, I likely would have been perma banned instead of answering this thread as a moderator. On the other hand, almost all of the people who get banned deserve it. There are tons of people on this site who contribute to the community well, have fun, and manage to get their opinions across without getting in trouble. I have little sympathy for those who don't.