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Forums - Gaming Discussion - What type of games do you play?

Mostly RPGs, SRPG, Action/Adventure, Racing


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Action games, action adventure, RPGs(both Western and Japanese), shooters(first and third), SRPGs and fighting games on occasion

Anything really. I just play anything that sounds interesting to me.

My blog: TsalagiDragon on Wordpress

My online store: Tsalagi Dreams 

My Twitter: @Scary4Eva

Generally, any game that seems fun to me (this is excluding music and sports games).

I do, however, tend to keep intrest in games I can play with some sort of competitiveness like Pokemon or Smash bros.

I like shooting people in the face. Any game that lets me do that.

You are on a roll for starting threads today Snake.

Hi, this is Vince with Shamwow.

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Anything, including EXCEPT! hentai games.