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Forums - Sony Discussion - Persona 4 potential GOTY, and now BEST PS2 GAME??

Riachu said:
konnichiwa said:
@ Leo-J It will not be the best PS2 game the game will get a lot of 8.5-9 scores from others. Persona 4 is not really easy for newcomers in the genre + it has not FF grahics.

1)Except the fact that a lot of the reviewers have played and reviewed JRPGs for years and they know that graphics, while important to an extent, aren't the first priority in games, especially RPGs where they are arguably the least important aspect.

2)The reason why Persona 3 and 4 gets higher review scores than most non FF JRPGs is because a lot of the JRPGs released these days are rip offs of other JRPGs which makes them feel uninspired.

3)Also, I think mainstream gamer tastes are taken into account with review scores hence why you see more 90+% shooters and WRPGs than 90%+ JRPGs.


1-)  Yes, like you said a lot of the reviewers but not all of them.

2) Exactly!

3) Simple because their is a larger amount of shooters and a lot of them got bad scores.  WRPG's are hard to compare with JRPG's.


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Soriku said:
Riachu said:
perpride said:
MGS4 will be game of the year...even if it doesn't win lol.

It's good to see P4 is being received so well...I might pick it up. I wonder if there is a chance we will see this series move onto PS3.

I think we will see the series on the PS3 eventually.  There has been plans to be a SMT game on the system since 2005.



If we haven't heard anything for 3 years then it's canned.

Not sure about that,  they announce their games most of the time when it is finished.  For example Persona 4 was announced in March this year if I am right and released in July (Japan).   They are not Square Enix =p.

And I agree with Zen about Tony Hawk 3.


@zenfolder - The low game rankings score of MGS4 does not reflect the game itself. Although GR and Metacritic are probably the most reliable ways of finding out about a game, I find they factor in far too many biased websites into their score. We are also talking about a difference of 5-7% between MGS4 and GTAIV which is (unjustly) the highest rated game of the year.

MGS4 was easily the best game I played this year. By FAAAAAAR. I think the people at IGN and Gamespot recognized this.

Wouldn't surprise me.

GOTY or not,

P4 will be GOTY! WUT?

Persona4 = WIN

PSP fanboi

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It wouldn't surprise me if the next persona is still on the ps2 considering the ps2 is still selling more software (then the ps3), its cheaper to develop for and Atlus's audience is guaranteed to buy it anyway.


Since when does the ps2 sell more software than the ps3??

Last I checked the ps3 was selling 3-4million software wise, and the ps2 around 1.5million.



Sorry I should have been more clear, the ps2 is selling more software then the ps3 is in Japan. Which is where the majority of the persona sales are most likely coming from.

ps2 5,541,809 130,241,014
ps3 4,349,782 7,825,071

Wow, it's been getting great scores it seems. I've been planning to pick up P3 fes for awhile now, but the JP version is still expensive, ~$60 new and still +$50ish used! WTH! :-O I want to play P4 as well, but I'd rather play P3 fes before I try out P4. (I want the JP versions of both ;-p) (BTW I think P4 is a little bit cheaper than P3 fes here, haha)

starcraft: "I and every PS3 fanboy alive are waiting for Versus more than FFXIII.
Me since the games were revealed, the fanboys since E3."

Skeeuk: "playstation 3 is the ultimate in gaming acceleration"

Hum...perhaps I will try FES, as well...

I am a bit surprised the reviews are that high. I wonder how many more reviewers will get to it since it's a PS2 game.