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Forums - Sales Discussion - Official over the top John Lucas style console/game sales prediction thread

Lifetime sales of Super Smash Bros Brawl will double those of Halo 3!

MaxwellGT2000 - "Does the amount of times you beat it count towards how hardcore you are?"

Wii Friend Code - 5882 9717 7391 0918 (PM me if you add me), PSN - MaxwellGT2000, XBL - BlkKniteCecil, MaxwellGT2000

Around the Network

Mario Galaxy 2 will double the sales of the original, Pikmin 3 will reach 5 million, Legend of Zelda Wii will top 10 million

Wii Sports Resort will top 20 million, Wii Play will end its life at ~45 million, Wii Fit will top 30 million, Wii Music will top 10 million..

Wii will reach 110 million by the end of 2010 at the very least



puffy said:
Mario Galaxy 2 will double the sales of the original, Pikmin 3 will reach 5 million, Legend of Zelda Wii will top 10 million

Wii Sports Resort will top 20 million, Wii Play will end its life at ~45 million, Wii Fit will top 30 million, Wii Music will top 10 million..

Wii will reach 110 million by the end of 2010 at the very least



You think too small my friend!  150 million at the very least!

MaxwellGT2000 - "Does the amount of times you beat it count towards how hardcore you are?"

Wii Friend Code - 5882 9717 7391 0918 (PM me if you add me), PSN - MaxwellGT2000, XBL - BlkKniteCecil, MaxwellGT2000

Over the top predictions?

1- Most third parties will start taking the Wii seriously in 2009.
2- 2009 is the year of the PS3.


My Mario Kart Wii friend code: 2707-1866-0957

I predict Wii music to sell at least on par with mario and sonic at the olympic games lifetime. But I don't think this is a crazy prediction.

Go buy Metroid OTHER M!

Wii code: 6775-1034-2238-1634

PSN: birdie93      XBL: luthor93

3DS: 3909-7597-9889

You can add me, I won't stop you!

My website:

Around the Network

By the end of 2009, Wii Fit will have outsold or be very close to outselling the PS3.

By the end of 2009 fanboys will stop believing that the PS3 will win this generation.

By the end of 2009 Wii will finally drop in demand and start a downward trend.

By the end of 2009 the PS3 and the 360 will be having close to equal monthly sales. Again.

Wii Music will sell 5 million copies.

Wii Fit will outsell Duck Hunt.

Killzone 2 will sell 5 million copies lifetime.

This is invisible text!

I predict Microsoft to buy Sony, and cancel production of the PS3

I hope my 360 doesn't RRoD
         "Suck my balls!" - Tag courtesy of Fkusmot

While the Wii will sell  more consoles, the X360 will sell the same or more software each year.

And for my JL style "Are you mad?" prediction: PS3 will not sell more than 20M units, and sony pulls the plug in March09. No PS3 losses for fiscal 2010 for Sony!

Trying to convince me the Wii is a real adult game machine 'if you play it right' is like trying to convince me Tofu tastes great 'if you just cook it right'

I still believe in Brawl at 20M+


Super Mario Galaxy will catch and pass Halo 3 in sales. Wii music will sell 5m LTD. Wii will be 80m+ by 31 Dec 2009. Wii fit sales will go into orbit and become incalculable!



In my opinion the N64 was not just the best console of the 5th gen but, to this day the best console ever created!