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Forums - Sales Discussion - End of generation Predictions

Anyone think Sony will disappear at the end of this gen?
Things r not looking good for Sony...... since Apple took the Mp3 market.... and at this rate, PS3 can't get Sony any profit until very late of this gen maybe never.
I think Sony is in big trouble now.

Around the Network
Gabriel84 said:
Anyone think Sony will disappear at the end of this gen?
Things r not looking good for Sony...... since Apple took the Mp3 market.... and at this rate, PS3 can't get Sony any profit until very late of this gen maybe never.
I think Sony is in big trouble now.

Meh. They're earning money off the PsP and Ps2, and there's a change they might get even on consoles (+ handhelds of course) for the 7th gen (including the Ps2 profit after Ps3 launched).

So, no. They will definately stick around.

They are doing noticably worse than Nintendo did last gen (money wise, perhaps not unit wise), but that will probably just make them do something genious next gen :D (at least if they were to follow the trend this industry has been setting... Excluding Sega that is... Okay... I'm being too optimistic.


Still, I really, really doubt they will drop out - the playstation name is still huge, one generation can't change that.

If they were to drop out, it would be a sad day for gaming.

That is VGChartz LONGEST review. And it's NOT Cute Kitten DS

360 - 50 Million
PS3 - 30 million

Heavens to Murgatoids.

BTFeather55 said:
360 - 50 Million
PS3 - 30 million

Wii- 100 million



Phoenix_Wiight said:

BTFeather55 said:
360 - 50 Million
PS3 - 30 million

Wii- 100 million




      I thought we were talking about seventh gen systems.

Heavens to Murgatoids.

Around the Network
BTFeather55 said:
Phoenix_Wiight said:

BTFeather55 said:
360 - 50 Million
PS3 - 30 million

Wii- 100 million




      I thought we were talking about seventh gen systems.

Oh, well here's the correct one then.

DS - 170M

Wii - 130M

PsP - 80M



If the Wii isn't the same gen as Ps3 or X360, they skipped a gen. This is the Wii generation, please wait 3 years for your console's generation to start. Have a good day, sir.


... I'm really shocked at Nintendo's market share this year. I mean gen, the year works with all machines, my mistake!

We've got 3 generations going at once! No wonder there's a split in sales.


On the plus side, Ps3's market share just went to 41.8%!

That is VGChartz LONGEST review. And it's NOT Cute Kitten DS

BTFeather55 said:
Phoenix_Wiight said:

BTFeather55 said:
360 - 50 Million
PS3 - 30 million

Wii- 100 million




      I thought we were talking about seventh gen systems.


man, you try hard to knock the wii down

thankfully, graphics dont decide what gen something is.

i think wii2 and ps4 will launch in fall of 2013, and nextbox fall of 2012. MS and especially sony will have to wait that long for their current systems to drop in price enough and the tehnology to be advaned beyond their current systems enough to make a new system viable at $300-350. this means ps3 and 360 pro will have to be under $200. microsoft is in a little bit better situation than sony and launched a year earlier so i think they could launch early again.

wii2 will launch 2013 while the wii drops to $100 and continues to sell for a couple more years.

360 will stop selling in 2013 and have sold in the 50-60 million range.
ps3 will stop selling in 2014 and have sold in the 50-60 million range.
wii will stop selling in 2015 and have sold 160-170 million range (140-150 when wii2 comes out)

DS2 (i hope they go back to the gameboy name though) will launch in 2012. DS hardware sales will be dead in japan by then and dying in the west. it will have sold 180-190 million all told. DS2 will probably launch in japan in early-mid 2012 (or even possibly end of 2011), in the west it'll be for the holiday in 2012. this leaves 2013 open for wii2 release.

PSP2 will launch in fall of 2011. PSP will be in the 70-80 million range.

end of '08 predictions: wii - 43 million,  360 - 25 million, ps3 - 20 million


Games I've beat recently: Super Mario Galaxy, Knights of the Old Republic, Shadow of the Collossus


Proud owner of wii, gamecube, xbox, ps2, dreamcast, n64, snes, genesis, 3DO, nes, atari, intellivision, unisonic tournament 2000, and gameboy

Oyvoyvoyv said:
Neoraf said:
Cthulhu said:
Tyrannical said:
My prediction of LTD sales

PS3: 18 M
360: 25 M
Wii: 40 M






I "un-fixed" it.

The amazing part is: every single one of you is wrong.

What does the D mean in LTD?

They were all wrong because that was HIS prediciton, it might not turn out to be true but its still HIS prediction and they can't fix what he predicts!



ilovetogame said:
i think wii2 and ps4 will launch in fall of 2013, and nextbox fall of 2012. MS and especially sony will have to wait that long for their current systems to drop in price enough and the tehnology to be advaned beyond their current systems enough to make a new system viable at $300-350. this means ps3 and 360 pro will have to be under $200. microsoft is in a little bit better situation than sony and launched a year earlier so i think they could launch early again.

wii2 will launch 2013 while the wii drops to $100 and continues to sell for a couple more years.

360 will stop selling in 2013 and have sold in the 50-60 million range.
ps3 will stop selling in 2014 and have sold in the 50-60 million range.
wii will stop selling in 2015 and have sold 160-170 million range (140-150 when wii2 comes out)

DS2 (i hope they go back to the gameboy name though) will launch in 2012. DS hardware sales will be dead in japan by then and dying in the west. it will have sold 180-190 million all told. DS2 will probably launch in japan in early-mid 2012 (or even possibly end of 2011), in the west it'll be for the holiday in 2012. this leaves 2013 open for wii2 release.

PSP2 will launch in fall of 2011. PSP will be in the 70-80 million range.


      I've seen an article on here that says MS is planning another price cut in Europe for tomorrow.  Now, I believe that $125.00-$150.00 360 with its impressive game library and especially if they bring out their new Wii-Mote type controller that they are supposed to have been working on for awhile would start to take an effect upon a $250.00, less powerful with a much less heralded by the critics game library Wii.  I hope Microsoft does it and it does have an effect, because personally, I think it would be funny to see Wii fans humbled a bit.

Heavens to Murgatoids.