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Forums - Sales Discussion - End of generation Predictions

Ok, basically I'm curious as to people's end of generation state of the industry predictions.


I am going on record saying the following (by the time all three consoles stop selling)


* The Wii will end on more than 50% marketshare

* The PS3 and 360 will end on similar hardware sales (within about 10 million of each other)

* By the end of the generation, the majority of big budget 3rd party releases will be on the Wii (not neccassarily Wii exclusive)

* Nintendo will be last to release an 8th gen home console, or approximately equal last (ie within a month of a competitor)

* All home consoles will be released in their first region within 13 months of each other

* The Wii will be on sale in Japan, USA, and Western Europe until later than the PS360

* The 360 will sell more software than the PS3, and will have the highest attach ratio of any console ever

* The PS4, Wii2 and Xbox 720 will all exist, though possibly with better names :P

* The DS2 and PSP2 will exist. Once again, maybe different names

* An xbox portable will not be released in the 8th gen


If you doubt any of these predictions, I'd like to hear it. Provide an explanation of why you believe this if you wish, but I would rather this stay as a sales prediction thread than a 'which is the best console' thread

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>>* By the end of the generation, the majority of big budget 3rd party releases will be on the Wii (not neccassarily Wii exclusive)
This one is doubtful. Japanese? May be. Western publishers? No, at least big ones. The battle for Japan not over yet, with strong handhelds and relatively weak home console market (even old PS2 takes more attention), there're still no true leader of current generation in Japan imo. It should be Wii, 'cos easily there're no other options. But some of the japanese developers oriented towards Western market may still ignore Wii in the future as long as X360 has strong install base in USA, but I expect a whole bunch of them shift from portables to Wii in 2009-2010.

I agree with Microsoft not going Portable, I know handhelds sell a lot more but I still think the competition is too tough. Id buy one though!

My predicitons

Wii will become the highest selling home console ever.

Microsoft & Sony introduce their motion sensing products with their consoles, (I can see microsoft coming out with some super advance "Power Glove")

No clear winner this gen. Sony will have hopefully learnt from their mistakes, Microsoft will be in its third gen and IMO will only get better, Nintendo have a big advantage going into the next gen so long as they don't screw it up ala PS3.


there are so many factors to consider that it's impossible to even think of it... And I think everything hinges on Microsoft and what they bring to the table in 09/10... and when the Wii craze dies down if Microsoft can take back a decent chuck of the pie. At this point MS would have to make some pretty critical errors to not completely take second place and a close second place in the US depending on the longevity of the Wii's sales. For Sony I think that they will focus more on keeping things profitable and staying in the game. They will do very well... certainly better than the Xbox and Gamecube. Unless they can pull out some lighting in a bottle they will never see 30 percent and they may fall to the 15 percent mark. All it takes is a little misstep on someone's part and someone taking advantage of that to throw anything I think may have a probability of happening out the window. I would like to say that I perfer a close race... While I have not hate for the Wii it has my disdain because of it's market dominance. I don't think it's healthy for the industry for a single console to dominate. This is offset by the very nature of the Wii to a certain extent and the Software sales of the 360, but it's still not good.

scottie said:


* Nintendo will be last to release an 8th gen home console, or approximately equal last (ie within a month of a competitor)



 It amazes me that some people think otherwise. The winner of each gen generally tries to drag it on for as long as they can, and Nintendo tries to drag out generations regardless of whether they are winning or not. Historically when Nintendo wins a generation they are crazy late to the next one; they were 3 years late to gen 4 and gen 5 (after the TG16, and 3DO respectively, and 2 years and 1.5 years behind Sega)


People who predict a WiiHD is just around the corner, aren't thinking like Nintendo.

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I make one prediction:

At the end of this gen, wii owners are still crying about 3rd party support.

Good predictions, scottie.

The only part where I disagree is I don´t think the Wii will end up with the majority of the big budget 3rd party titles.

No way for me to know this, I´m pulling this one out of my ass, but that´s the way I see it going.

This generation has been so unique and weird compared to previous ones, it may be 'history' won´t make her presence felt again in many areas this time, such as the Wii may be the 1st leader system that doesn´t get the majority of these 3rd party big blockbusters...we´ll see though, this suspense ought to be fun.

Esa-Petteri said:
I make one prediction:

At the end of this gen, wii owners are still crying about 3rd party support.


I make one prediction:


At the end of this gen, trolls will still make stupid comments on this site... (crazy prediction, i know...)


"A beautiful drawing in 480i will stay beautiful forever...

and an ugly drawing in 1080p will stay ugly forever..."

PS4 will launch first at a cheap price with loads of games. It will use cell and Blu Ray. M$ console will be the most expensive, Nintendo will not have as much success as they are having.

MS will probably borrow Sony PS2 tactic and make a X360 "slim", bringing the price at the $100 point, and making the console more reliable via the redesign process. X360 is slowly becoming a success, and i think MS will be able to ride on the wii360 wave for a long time (if they continue to make the right moves).

Sony will either attempt to redesign PS3 or maybe drop it's 10-ear plan altogether, eat a large crow, and push PS4 as soon as possible.

Ninteno will stay happy and sell Wii for $250 as long as it sells, making it uber money printing machine, and after the sales start slowing down, it'll put a few pricedrops, new colors and shift towards wii2, phasing the wii slowly out after wii2 releases.
