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there are so many factors to consider that it's impossible to even think of it... And I think everything hinges on Microsoft and what they bring to the table in 09/10... and when the Wii craze dies down if Microsoft can take back a decent chuck of the pie. At this point MS would have to make some pretty critical errors to not completely take second place and a close second place in the US depending on the longevity of the Wii's sales. For Sony I think that they will focus more on keeping things profitable and staying in the game. They will do very well... certainly better than the Xbox and Gamecube. Unless they can pull out some lighting in a bottle they will never see 30 percent and they may fall to the 15 percent mark. All it takes is a little misstep on someone's part and someone taking advantage of that to throw anything I think may have a probability of happening out the window. I would like to say that I perfer a close race... While I have not hate for the Wii it has my disdain because of it's market dominance. I don't think it's healthy for the industry for a single console to dominate. This is offset by the very nature of the Wii to a certain extent and the Software sales of the 360, but it's still not good.