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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - People label "casual" for almost any wii release?

Most HD games I can't even play for more than 3 minutes because they're so boring. Since I only play them in short 2-3 minute bursts, I guess every single one of them is casual.

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The Ghost of RubangB said:
Most HD games I can't even play for more than 3 minutes because they're so boring. Since I only play them in short 2-3 minute bursts, I guess every single one of them is casual.


No. If all you do is play games in short burst and spend more of your time not playing games rather than playing games your most likely a casual gamer. These HD games you play may be casual or not. But they wouldn't be casual just because you find them boring and unable to play for more than 2-3 minutes.

A warrior keeps death on the mind from the moment of their first breath to the moment of their last.

RolStoppable said:
dharh said:
The Ghost of RubangB said:
Most HD games I can't even play for more than 3 minutes because they're so boring. Since I only play them in short 2-3 minute bursts, I guess every single one of them is casual.

No. If all you do is play games in short burst and spend more of your time not playing games rather than playing games your most likely a casual gamer. These HD games you play may be casual or not. But they wouldn't be casual just because you find them boring and unable to play for more than 2-3 minutes.

So Animal Crossing isn't a casual game after all.


Animal crossing is indeed casual. It's a pick up and play game that takes little or nor effort to play and attracts people who wouldn't normally play video games. Stop nitpicking just one perticular post and try to remember what is said throughout the entire conversation. Does he really need to say everything AGAIN in the same thread every post he makes?

Edit: He as simply saying just because you don't like it does not mean it is casual or hardcore title. Once again read an earlier post. Do not confuse a game that is casual that some hardcore players might play as well.

CURRENTLY PLAYING:  Warframe, Witcher 2

RolStoppable said:
dharh said:
The Ghost of RubangB said:
Most HD games I can't even play for more than 3 minutes because they're so boring. Since I only play them in short 2-3 minute bursts, I guess every single one of them is casual.

No. If all you do is play games in short burst and spend more of your time not playing games rather than playing games your most likely a casual gamer. These HD games you play may be casual or not. But they wouldn't be casual just because you find them boring and unable to play for more than 2-3 minutes.

So Animal Crossing isn't a casual game after all.


How does that even fit? Whats logical steps are you taking to come up with that statement? Animal Crossing may or may not be casual, I don't even really care.  Nintendo fanatics need to stop being so sensitive and just bask in the glory of their best selling console and games, despite most of the games being casual or games HD hardcore gamers dont like to play.

Animal Crossing might be casual because of its lack of difficulty and depth.  This shouldn't cause people to be defensive.  The appeal to casual gamers who want to talk to eachother and watch fireworks rather than shoot up monsters or race cars is what could make it more successful than any hardcore game.  It just wouldn't appeal to me or most people who like hardcore games.

A warrior keeps death on the mind from the moment of their first breath to the moment of their last.

RolStoppable said:
soulsamurai said:
RolStoppable said:
dharh said:
The Ghost of RubangB said:
Most HD games I can't even play for more than 3 minutes because they're so boring. Since I only play them in short 2-3 minute bursts, I guess every single one of them is casual.

No. If all you do is play games in short burst and spend more of your time not playing games rather than playing games your most likely a casual gamer. These HD games you play may be casual or not. But they wouldn't be casual just because you find them boring and unable to play for more than 2-3 minutes.

So Animal Crossing isn't a casual game after all.

Animal crossing is indeed casual. It's a pick up and play game that takes little or nor effort to play and attracts people who wouldn't normally play video games. Stop nitpicking just one perticular post and try to remember what is said throughout the entire conversation. Does he really need to say everything AGAIN in the same thread every post he makes?

He's just one of those people who make up definitions and then bend them to suit their argument.

Take a look at another one of his posts where he classifies Metroid as a game between casual and hardcore. The game requires a lot of time invested, has a lot of backtracking and doesn't seem to attract any people who wouldn't normally play videogames. Metroid fits his definition of hardcore much more than the majority of HD games. But since he dislikes Nintendo, Metroid can't be labeled hardcore.

Rol, I didn't bend the definition. I called metroid a game in between casual and hardcore because I don't really consider most games as hardcore. I play everquest. That is a hardcore game. Halo is not hardcore, final fantasy games are not hardcore. However, if it pleases you, then metroid is hardcore.  But, the fact is what is more important is the gamer themselves. I don't even particularly like the definition of hardcore/casual games but at least more people than not understand what someone is saying when they describe a game as hardcore or casual.

I like Nintendo, they do what they do very well, you just cant understand because you're too sensitive about opposing opinions.

A warrior keeps death on the mind from the moment of their first breath to the moment of their last.

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soulsamurai said:
Rhonin the wizard said:

So, a game is "casual" or "hardcore" by the way some people play them? That makes so much sense...NOT.


No a game is "casual" or "hardcore" by the way the game itself is played not how it is played. If you can pick it up and go to town, then that's casual.

Im stealing this definition from shmupgurus

"My definition of hardcore is someone that plays hard and unusual games. So by that logic, if anyone can ''pick up and play'' this game, it's starting to be casual because EVERYBODY knows about it and plays it!"

So by that logic No More Heroes is "casual" because I can play it for 30 minutes doing Assassination Gigs and jobs and Animal Crossing is "hardcore" because I can play it for 3 hours a day.

The flaw in your logic is that "casual" and "hardcore" represent ways in which gamers play games.

jsut another word people use to make themself feel better that their PS3 and 360 are "HARDCORE"

people need to grow up and accept that rach console has its strengths and weaknesses and share of QUALITY GAMES.

I've said is many times before but here I go again, this gen is one that YOU MUST OWN MULTIPLE consoles to experience all the great games that are out.



RolStoppable said:
soulsamurai said:
RolStoppable said:
dharh said:
The Ghost of RubangB said:
Most HD games I can't even play for more than 3 minutes because they're so boring. Since I only play them in short 2-3 minute bursts, I guess every single one of them is casual.

No. If all you do is play games in short burst and spend more of your time not playing games rather than playing games your most likely a casual gamer. These HD games you play may be casual or not. But they wouldn't be casual just because you find them boring and unable to play for more than 2-3 minutes.

So Animal Crossing isn't a casual game after all.

Animal crossing is indeed casual. It's a pick up and play game that takes little or nor effort to play and attracts people who wouldn't normally play video games. Stop nitpicking just one perticular post and try to remember what is said throughout the entire conversation. Does he really need to say everything AGAIN in the same thread every post he makes?

He's just one of those people who make up definitions and then bend them to suit their argument.

Take a look at another one of his posts where he classifies Metroid as a game between casual and hardcore. The game requires a lot of time invested, has a lot of backtracking and doesn't seem to attract any people who wouldn't normally play videogames. Metroid fits his definition of hardcore much more than the majority of HD games. But since he dislikes Nintendo, Metroid can't be labeled hardcore.


I said the same thing with little big planet. The gameplay itself is casual as can be, however actually taking the time create your own map that is decent is something that many casuals will give the creator a go and simply give it up and go back to playing other creations. There are some games that are hard to judge. Many people have different views on the term hardcore and casual, I'am firm with mine already stated. I have read through some of his posts and I can actually agree with many of them. Metroid "not" being one of them, however i do agree there are some that are hard to call. As for this argument though, he's spot on. You are using a Red Herring when arguing, and cherry picking.

CURRENTLY PLAYING:  Warframe, Witcher 2

Because graphical wise animal crossing on gamecube wasnt garbage compared to its competitors at the time. But Wii animal crossing on the other hand.....

RolStoppable said:
dharh said:
RolStoppable said:
soulsamurai said:

Animal crossing is indeed casual. It's a pick up and play game that takes little or nor effort to play and attracts people who wouldn't normally play video games. Stop nitpicking just one perticular post and try to remember what is said throughout the entire conversation. Does he really need to say everything AGAIN in the same thread every post he makes?

He's just one of those people who make up definitions and then bend them to suit their argument.

Take a look at another one of his posts where he classifies Metroid as a game between casual and hardcore. The game requires a lot of time invested, has a lot of backtracking and doesn't seem to attract any people who wouldn't normally play videogames. Metroid fits his definition of hardcore much more than the majority of HD games. But since he dislikes Nintendo, Metroid can't be labeled hardcore.

Rol, I didn't bend the definition. I called metroid a game in between casual and hardcore because I don't really consider most games as hardcore. I play everquest. That is a hardcore game. Halo is not hardcore, final fantasy games are not hardcore. However, if it pleases you, then metroid is hardcore. But, the fact is what is more important is the gamer themselves. I don't even particularly like the definition of hardcore/casual games but at least more people than not understand what someone is saying when they describe a game as hardcore or casual.

I like Nintendo, they do what they do very well, you just cant understand because you're too sensitive about opposing opinions.

Actually most people get confused by the terms "hardcore game" and "casual game", because nobody was ever able to clearly define what they mean. The reason is that these terms don't make any sense in the first place, that's why people are struggling to define them. "Hardcore" and "casual" can be used to describe the amount of time invested by the player in games, but they can't and shouldn't be used to describe games themselves.

You can clearly see it once again in this thread, it's impossible to define what a "hardcore game" and what a "casual game" is, because no matter how you try to do it, if you try to apply these definitions to all games, there are many cases in which they don't seem to fit. Then you are left with a lot exceptions and have to add additional rules to your definitions which in return brings in other games which can't be clearly categorized now.

In short, there's no such thing as a "hardcore game" and a "casual game".

You can choose to remove that term from your lexicon but the term exists and the definitions people use are pretty apparent. People get confused because they mistake hardcore/casual games with hardcore/casual gamers. You already know how I defined the terms, notwithstanding my own personal bias that hardcore means way more hardcore than most people would define it, it is the consensus. Even though im sure you dont necessarily mean to do it, you make the classical mistake in describing hardcore vs casual as you said "amount of time invested by a player in games". That merely describes the gamer. The amount in time playing a game isn't even in my definition of hardcore/casual game, its the amount of effort. Huge difference. The amount of time playing games is what defines a hardcore vs casual gamer.

A warrior keeps death on the mind from the moment of their first breath to the moment of their last.