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RolStoppable said:
soulsamurai said:
RolStoppable said:
dharh said:
The Ghost of RubangB said:
Most HD games I can't even play for more than 3 minutes because they're so boring. Since I only play them in short 2-3 minute bursts, I guess every single one of them is casual.

No. If all you do is play games in short burst and spend more of your time not playing games rather than playing games your most likely a casual gamer. These HD games you play may be casual or not. But they wouldn't be casual just because you find them boring and unable to play for more than 2-3 minutes.

So Animal Crossing isn't a casual game after all.

Animal crossing is indeed casual. It's a pick up and play game that takes little or nor effort to play and attracts people who wouldn't normally play video games. Stop nitpicking just one perticular post and try to remember what is said throughout the entire conversation. Does he really need to say everything AGAIN in the same thread every post he makes?

He's just one of those people who make up definitions and then bend them to suit their argument.

Take a look at another one of his posts where he classifies Metroid as a game between casual and hardcore. The game requires a lot of time invested, has a lot of backtracking and doesn't seem to attract any people who wouldn't normally play videogames. Metroid fits his definition of hardcore much more than the majority of HD games. But since he dislikes Nintendo, Metroid can't be labeled hardcore.


I said the same thing with little big planet. The gameplay itself is casual as can be, however actually taking the time create your own map that is decent is something that many casuals will give the creator a go and simply give it up and go back to playing other creations. There are some games that are hard to judge. Many people have different views on the term hardcore and casual, I'am firm with mine already stated. I have read through some of his posts and I can actually agree with many of them. Metroid "not" being one of them, however i do agree there are some that are hard to call. As for this argument though, he's spot on. You are using a Red Herring when arguing, and cherry picking.

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