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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Afterall how do you define exclusive?

One_touch_KO said:
outlawauron said:
If it's on any other available platform and it offers the same game (relatively), then it isn't exclusive.

This! I completely agree! How can people claim Halo as a Xbox exclusive makes me dizzy @_@

Because most people link the Halo series with Microsoft, which created the Xbox. Also, Halo can only be played on Windows OS's too, which are made by Microsoft.

Oh, and I know that emulation is a solution to what I've just said above. o_O

Random game thought :
Why is Bionic Commando Rearmed 2 getting so much hate? We finally get a real game and they're not even satisfied... I'm starting to hate the gaming community so f****** much...

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SHMUPGurus said:
One_touch_KO said:
outlawauron said:
If it's on any other available platform and it offers the same game (relatively), then it isn't exclusive.

This! I completely agree! How can people claim Halo as a Xbox exclusive makes me dizzy @_@

Because most people link the Halo series with Microsoft, which created the Xbox. Also, Halo can only be played on Windows OS's too, which are made by Microsoft.

Oh, and I know that emulation is a solution to what I've just said above. o_O


Xbox and Windows are the same platform?


One_touch_KO said:
SHMUPGurus said:
One_touch_KO said:
outlawauron said:
If it's on any other available platform and it offers the same game (relatively), then it isn't exclusive.

This! I completely agree! How can people claim Halo as a Xbox exclusive makes me dizzy @_@

Because most people link the Halo series with Microsoft, which created the Xbox. Also, Halo can only be played on Windows OS's too, which are made by Microsoft.

Oh, and I know that emulation is a solution to what I've just said above. o_O

Xbox and Windows are the same platform?

Nah, that's not really how I meant to say it. But Halo was published my Microsoft Games Studio, same like Gears of War... so it's basically the same thing (other than a few graphic tweaks). So it's still Microsoft's games, you know.

I have to agree that Halo and Gears of War are not ''exclusive games,'' but they are definitely ''console exclusives," as in you won't see these games on another console. You know that people link Halo more with the Xbox because it sold more on that console. So, there's the ''real exclusive term'' (how they are not really exclusives) and the ''popular exclusive term'' (how people see where the game should really belong to) if I may say it like that. o_O

Random game thought :
Why is Bionic Commando Rearmed 2 getting so much hate? We finally get a real game and they're not even satisfied... I'm starting to hate the gaming community so f****** much...

Watch my insane gameplay videos on my YouTube page!

But still. How can people claim something as exclusive if it is available?

Its the same that saying that Super Mario is exclusive for the DS as PSP doesn't have it!!!! So we just ignore the fact that the Wii doesn't exist just because it's not a portable!!!

PC is also a GAMING machine! So if a game is available for it it is wrong to call exclusive to it! Period?????

outlawauron said:
If it's on any other available platform and it offers the same game (relatively), then it isn't exclusive.

This is pretty much my definition as well. For me, Alan Wake isn't an Xbox 360 exclusive. Dead Rising still is, however, because even though there's the Wii version in the works, it just sounds too different to be considered the same game IMO.

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The best answer I can provide you is my last sentence in my last post. I mean, I agree with you entirely, but there's just so many ways to see it. Like I've said, it really depends on what you want to hear, really.

Random game thought :
Why is Bionic Commando Rearmed 2 getting so much hate? We finally get a real game and they're not even satisfied... I'm starting to hate the gaming community so f****** much...

Watch my insane gameplay videos on my YouTube page!

I think with respect to Halo and why you may have heard it referred to as an Xbox exclusive is probably because it was at one stage and then 3 years after the fact the PC version was released, as with Halo 2.

Exclusive is also loosely thrown around here meaning console exclusive as the context of many of the threads only concern consoles, which the site is based on.

badgenome said:
outlawauron said:
If it's on any other available platform and it offers the same game (relatively), then it isn't exclusive.

This is pretty much my definition as well. For me, Alan Wake isn't an Xbox 360 exclusive. Dead Rising still is, however, because even though there's the Wii version in the works, it just sounds too different to be considered the same game IMO.


This! Do you people agree still calling Dead Rising a 360 exclusive now it is coming to Wii???? Tought with different features and Gameplay (and WORST graphics than RE4 - shame on you Capcom)

Kantor said:
Well, I think an exclusive is a game only on ONE platform.

A console exclusive, which many people preach as exclusives, which often go onto exclusive lists, is a game only on ONE of the Big Three: PS3, Wii and X360.


Well said, this all the way. +1

SHMUPGurus said:

Depends what you want to hear. I mostly don't count PC in the equation. I look at console exclusivity instead.

You have to think that Games for Windows is pretty much the same thing as Live (you use the same account), and it usually only runs on Windows' latest OS's too.



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