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Forums - Gaming Discussion - #1 WWYD! KZ2 Cancelled?

i'd "lol" and watch sony be burned by there fanboys, thankfully there not that stupid.

Although if Star Ocean 4 for 360 was canned at the last min and not come nowere or the wii NOW THAT would piss me off to no end.

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I'd be really disappointed. Game looks awesome. Would have to wait for Call of Duty World at War 2 for my next FPS fix. And if that was cancelled......oh boy

Don't Worry.....Be Happy


Elite1 said:
I'd be really disappointed. Game looks awesome. Would have to wait for Call of Duty World at War 2 for my next FPS fix. And if that was cancelled......oh boy

Not COD: Modern Warfare 2?

Wouldn't affect me too much.

izaaz101 said:
Elite1 said:
I'd be really disappointed. Game looks awesome. Would have to wait for Call of Duty World at War 2 for my next FPS fix. And if that was cancelled......oh boy

Not COD: Modern Warfare 2?


Yes, you are correct COD: Modern Warfare 2. I'm tired. I prefer Modern Warfare to World at War.

Don't Worry.....Be Happy


Around the Network

I'd be pissed but I'd live with it.

No more pissed than i am that Getaway 3 was cancelled and theres no sign of a Driver 5

WTF, i didn't know what WWTD meant and i was scared! o.0

Well.. that wouldn't affect me but it would happen a meltdown here! o.0!

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Maynard_Tool said:
I'll probably be happy because i dont have to see another new killzone thread created every day.... then, i will simply repeat that sony is indeed screwing everything they created with ps1/ps2. Then i'll probably laugh at some people in this forum. And lastly i'll watch the eternal war between fanboys. Especially when the X360 troops come bragging about their shooters and how badass they are.

But overall, honestly, i wouln't care, as it would not affect me. (=


I think it would happend the other way, there would be like 99999 threads about it..

||Tag courtesy of fkusumot - "Heaven is like a Nintendo theme park!"||Join the Medal of Honor: Heroes 2 American League HERE!||

Falcon095 said:
Maynard_Tool said:
I'll probably be happy because i dont have to see another new killzone thread created every day.... then, i will simply repeat that sony is indeed screwing everything they created with ps1/ps2. Then i'll probably laugh at some people in this forum. And lastly i'll watch the eternal war between fanboys. Especially when the X360 troops come bragging about their shooters and how badass they are.

But overall, honestly, i wouln't care, as it would not affect me. (=


I think it would happend the other way, there would be like 99999 threads about it..


Agreed, everyone would be posting threads about Killzone/Sony Back to Back...EVERYWERE...not just VG...

Ask who embezzled 60+ Million dollars.

Cause i mean.... otherwise that's like betting 500,000 dollars only to fold because you get re-raised 1 dollar.

At worst pay someone on the cheap to polish it up and ship it out.