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Forums - Gaming Discussion - If I Had One Wish...

Dgc1808 said:
For 200 Billion dollars to magically pop into SCE's bank account...


Why not your bank account and then you could donate some to SCE

Don't Worry.....Be Happy


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I would ask for some

Cheap high quality HW that anyone can buy, is easy and cheap to develop for, can be made for 49 dollars, has no side effects, is compatible with all TVs, is fully customozable, has incredible graphics/physics, compability with any console ever made, and has a limited edition version that is given only to me and that grants wishes, but without corruping any of them. Only I can wish with it.

It is 1 console, thus 1 wish.

That is VGChartz LONGEST review. And it's NOT Cute Kitten DS

To give me ownership and control over EA and Capcom.

I'd be tempted to ask for Ikaruga on Dreamcast instead though.

"Let justice be done though the heavens fall." - Jim Garrison

"Ask not your horse, if ye should ride into battle" - myself

The Holodeck...

Nintendo vs Capcom

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Burn EA's headquarters to the ground

Or terrorists invading Valve and forcing them to develop L4D to the ps3

Flow -"The important is to pwn other ppl"

Gaming world peace.

Perfect Dark for the Wii in 480p 16:9 60 frames per second, perfectly customizable controls and online multiplayer. The rest of the game should be unchanged.

Seriously, I'd pay €200 for that game, no problem.


Probably a continuance of Hearts of Iron 2 for the PC... one that actually started after World War II and continued through the modern era of warfare. God I love that game.


Wii Code:



XBOX LIVE: Comrade Tovya 2

