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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Wait. Games of Quarter 1 2009 belongs to?

Stats87 said:
thekitchensink said:
Two things I find interesting about this thread:

1. Nintendo doesn't exist

2. We're using past games as barometers for the quality of upcoming games, yet touting Killzone 2 as the PS3's biggest gun. Yes, I've seen the gameplay videos, and it looks fun, but apparently we can only use past games to judge the current ones.


1. That's the guidelines he set out. If were including Wii, I'd say that has the best Q1 line-up by far. (Deadly Creature, MadWorld, Punch Out!, Little King's Story and possibly the new Tenchu)

2. Who said that? My point is that when we have no gameplay footage/demoes/beta's to go by, all we can use is Developer history, which in the case of NB is not great,



I was so blindsided by SO4 that I forgot that the Wii Q1 lineup pretty much wrecks the PS3 and 360 lineup (sans SO4). There's a few more games that can go on there, including House of the Dead: Overkill, FFCC, Sonic, Fatal Frame IV, Dead Rising, Mario Tennis/Pikmin/DK Jungle Beat (Play on Wii), and if we're counting imports...Fragile & Trace Memory R. There's also the possibility of Sin & Punishment 2.



Tag - "No trolling on my watch!"

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BTFeather55 said:
@Staude Yakuza 3 and Kensha(i?)n! are two different games. There was some confusion about that early on though. I think Yakuza 3 hasn't been released in Japan yet. I would love to get both of them in English versions. However, I think Kenshin! interests me more because of its time period. Of course, I'm also hoping that after Yakuza 3 is released and is hopefully highly successful that Sega and Yu Suzuki will finally get to work on the next Shenmue game(s). After I beat Shenmue the first time back in 2002, I think that I played it over and over again for a solid month because I think it is one of the best games ever made.


umm i know that.. Yakuza 3 is released in japan february 26 2009 ;) that is why i said it. The original OP mentions exclusives. Yakuza 3 is a ps3 exclusive releasing in japan 09.


Btw i'll be getting both. I like samurais and the EDO era (whish is why i'll get kenshan and i really like the story and awesomeness of the main series (which is why i'll get yakuza 3) :P


oh yeah, while i'm at it. Here is a random trailer :P

Check out my game about moles ^

Starcraft > everything

Also, I hope halo wars ends up being amazing and gets console people interested in RTS's.

Yup, 360 clearly has the better games for the first quarter of 09, and you just know that microsoft will have a few more tricks up their sleeve for the remainder of the year too.

My CURRENT top 3 most anticipated CONSOLE exclusive games on 360 for 2009.........

1. Alan wake (come on, its from the boys who brought us Max Payne, nuff said)

2. APB (All Points Bulliten) From the creators of Crackdown.... Again nuff said

3. Huxley (MMOFPS, Its gonna be a hit, rest assured)

I also predict that when realtime worlds are done with APB they will start work on Crackdown 2 (360 Exclusive)

No (good) games coming to 360 in 2009? Laughable................. muwahahahahahaha (evil laugh)

Let's see...

Halo Wars: RTS on console without KB&M support = no go.

Star Ocean: Will rent, and maybe keep if good enough.

GTA4 DLC: Being that I thought GTA4 was garbage, I wouldn't want to rent it on the 360 just to play it.

Ninja Blade: ...Need demo or review before I make my mind.


Killzone2: Will buy.

So yeah, it's pretty much Killzone2 vs StarOcean for me. And being that I had such a bad experience with IU, I'm going with KZ2.

It's really not a difficult choice. Halo Wars should sell more than KZ2, SO and Ninja Blade combined though, but if we're talking about sales then I'd choose the Wii then 360 then PS3.

... But then again, it might not even matter because if Starcraft2 is out, it'll pwn everyone's faces.

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My most anticipated exclusive games atm is White Knight Chronicle follow closely by SO4 and Yakuza 3.

But of course SF4 and RE5 will be my biggest time waster for Q1 (

Xbox 360 has a crap lineup compared to PC. PC easily crushes both PS3 and 360 lineups at the same time.

Um i dont know anything but if this happends =

360 :
Star ocean 4 ( Wtf is that... im not gettin it o.o )
Halo Wars ( No offence i hate strategies a reason i didnt get valkyira .. )
Alan wake ( Uhmmm sure ill try it on PC .. )
Ninja Blade ( ummmmmmmmmm okay? havent really seen anything from it )
GTA4 DLC ( Lmao i borrowed my friends GTA[on ps3] after 2 weeks it really sucked.. it wasnt fun anymore i played vice city instead lol ).

Killzone 2 ( Im gonna get that )
WKC (Is that coming so soon!? Ill get it.. )
Infamous ( Im dieing for this game! XD Looks awesome got dissapointed in spiderman 3 hopefully this makes it up! )
Yakuza 3 ( That looks fun but nothing im getting )
SOCOM ( Dude im pissed i want this game im in sweden GIVE IT ALREADY! )
Demon Soul ( Uhmmm okay?? )

So far this is what it looks to me lol once again I DONT KNOW ANYTHING i just read some random pages and added stuffs ppl said. I dont even know if any of these are beeing released Q1 XD. But either way for me :
K2-Infamous-SOCOM-WKC > Star ocean 4-Halo wars-Alan wake-Ninja blade-DLC lol.

This is probably becuse i never heard of Star ocean + Ninja blade + after 2 weeks i hated GTA 4 + I hate strategies. Alan wake is probably the only thing ill be trying out and thats on PC .. Probably gonna be called fanboy XD but ive heard alot more of infamous SOCOM WKC and K2. SOCOM im a fan of it, Infamous ive been looking forward to it since E3, WKC i heard here and it looks alot fun, KZ2... its KILLZONE and it looks sick.

But tbh since i only know a PS3 i havent actually LOOKED for the 360 stuff. So imo both are getting good games ( Once again if these are beeing released Q1 )..

c0rd said:
shio said:
Seriously why is there this PS3 vs 360 arguement here? Neither of them are anywhere near the best Q1 09 lineup.

I had no idea Starcraft II was coming out so soon. Time flies I guess... most people I know are looking forward to Diablo III more though.

But yeah, I agree - if SCII is anything like the quality of their past games, PC > HD consoles (I'll need to buy a new comp though...)


Agreed, PC games really do win this argument on SC2 alone.... way too many games to play!!

Ahhckk.. SC2!!!! KZ2!!!! SO4!!!! Not to mention my late purchase of Valkyria!!!!

Damn....... I'm gotta quit gaming.. It's getting too damn expensive.