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Let's see...

Halo Wars: RTS on console without KB&M support = no go.

Star Ocean: Will rent, and maybe keep if good enough.

GTA4 DLC: Being that I thought GTA4 was garbage, I wouldn't want to rent it on the 360 just to play it.

Ninja Blade: ...Need demo or review before I make my mind.


Killzone2: Will buy.

So yeah, it's pretty much Killzone2 vs StarOcean for me. And being that I had such a bad experience with IU, I'm going with KZ2.

It's really not a difficult choice. Halo Wars should sell more than KZ2, SO and Ninja Blade combined though, but if we're talking about sales then I'd choose the Wii then 360 then PS3.

... But then again, it might not even matter because if Starcraft2 is out, it'll pwn everyone's faces.