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Forums - Sony Discussion - PS3 Vertical = bad???

Mine's been vertical since day one. No problem so far *knocks on wood*

Currently playing on PS3: God of War III

Currently playing on Xbox360: Final Fantasy XIII

Currently playing on NDS: Chrono Trigger

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Sephiroth357 said:
Aj_habfan said:
Vertical is ugly though, so that should be enough to not do it.


 What he said.

gotta concur here. when it's vertical, it just looks kind of weird unless you view from below like they do in the promotional shots. when it's horizontal, it looks like a piece of equipment from a sci-fi movie :D Anyway, I've heard arguments going both ways as far as which is better for the console, but afaik, it really just comes down to personal preference.


Not trying to be a fanboy. Of course, it's hard when you own the best console eve... dang it

well i read a ibm article about the ps3.

and vertical it's kinda recommended mode to ps3 to cool down, it flows better that way.

it was a introduccion to parallel programming.

swearitsoul said:

I have just put my PS3 vertical and I was wondering if it was a bad idea. I hear about Xbox 360's breaking all the time when vertical however what about the PS3?

 I know it was built to go vertical, evidence due to the PS3 logo near the disk slot. My PS3 is well ventilated etc and was wondering if the hardware inside would break due to it being vertical.

Thoughts people?


no the hardware will not break if its vertical, but i wouldn't recommend it. the dust that builds up when the ps3 is horizontal doesn't get inside the ps3, but however if its vertical dust can easily get inside just like a chimeny. it will collect, and in a year or 2 it could cause some heating problems because the dust can build up and block the ventilation.

when i open up my friends ps3 to swap the hardrive, he had a huge collection of dust inside, and i own the ps3 longer than him and when i swapped hardrives on mines it didn't have any dust in the hardrive slot, its because he has it vertical.

and no swapping hardrives doesn't void your warranty

I had my PS3 in a horizontal position since I bought it, up to last month when I realized it looks better in the vertical position, I've had no problems since, I thought I heard it was better vertically.


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I always keep bot systems vertical and it works ok.

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I got my PS3 is vertical & no verticle is best on PS3 since u insert the game in not put it in a tray & slide in :

I have mine horizontal cause there is alot of dust build up on it and if it was vertical all that dust would go into the holes As gravity makes dust travel from up to down also it just stands out to much vertical but having it vertical makes it run cooler as more of the ps3 is exposed to the air acting like a radiator

It doesn't matter though nothing well happen to it vertical unless it tips over


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sethnintendo said:

"In the horizontal position the motor now needs to fight gravity on 1 side of the disc (the side traveling up) and has the help of gravity on the other (side going down). This causes uneven forces on the motor which could break it prematurely."

I am guessing you meant to have vertical position instead of horizontal? Or am I just confused.


yea, I meant vertical, I typed horizontal twice on accident.


I wasn't talking hard disc, I was talking CD/DVD/Blu-ray disc drive, and the XBox360 one is made like crap. Like I said, I read it somewhere and it makes sense to me that the forces on the motor are uneaven while in a verticle state. I don't know if it will break it in a shorter time frame, but if you are paranoid or it makes noise horizontal seems better.

Also, don't mock me, as I'm not an idiot, only reporting what I read.

If you drop a PS3 right on top of a Wii, it would definitely defeat it. Not so sure about the Xbox360. - mancandy
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nordlead said:
sethnintendo said:

Like I said, I read it somewhere and it makes sense to me that the forces on the motor are uneaven while in a verticle state.

Also, don't mock me, as I'm not an idiot, only reporting what I read.

ok..if you are a Computer Science PhD as stated in your profile, shouldn't you have passed some basic physics and electronics classes? Basic physics would have told you that what you read is nonsense, at least, as a scientist, it should have made you suspicious.. I'm just wondering, nothing else.