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Forums - Sony Discussion - So Resident evil 5 will release in the same time frame as Killzone 2

Well its two weeks before RE5 so theres a good chance it will reach gold or possibly even platinum before RE5 is out.

I'm not that worried though. Resident Evil fans will buy it for sure and fans of shooters. But i think Killzone 2 will be just fine.

Plus they already delayed it so it wouldn't compete with resistance 2

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lol R5 is screwed then.

once again, internet hype strikes. if you think killzone 2 will sell more than RE5 or MGS4 because 'it's a great game', then you're out of your mind.

FANBASES and NAMES sell games most. Metal Gear is a name. Resident Evil is a name. they both have huge fanbases as well. Killzone is not a name, and it doesn't have a fanbase. Therefore it will sell poorly compared to these two franchises.


I don't think RE5 will affect killzone's sales. I believe strongly that anyone who has his mind set on buying something will buy it eventually, so no 'other' game will steal his mind away from it. maybe it will affect first week sales, but in the long run it will get the sales of everyone who planned on buying it anyway.

aside from that, they're in a different genre, though it is very close, majority of gamers won't associate the two together. face it, these are both hardcore franchises that won't really attract much attention from the social gamer. so the intelligent buyer will end up buying based on an intelligent decision, based on his preference in genre (the social gamer can be tricked into buying something else coz it 'looks' similar). so yea, killzone's sales won't be affected by RE5.