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Forums - Sales Discussion - Within the next few months, Wii Sports will be the best selling game ever

Wii Sports has demonstrated sales as a standalone product. The windows version of solitaire does not have any record of standalone sales that I am aware of.

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RolStoppable said:
Esa-Petteri said:
TWRoO said:
Esa-Petteri said:

No, solitaire will still be the best selling game ever.

People don't buy PCs to get solitaire... but they do buy Wii for Wii Sports.

And Solitaire is almost certainly not played as much per person (on average) as Wii Sports, which is played more than all other Wii games except LoZ:TP, Super Smash Bros. and Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn.

Blahblah, that has nothing to do with the fact that solitaire will always be the best selling game. A lot of people play it, especially during workdays!


Do you have the statistics for solitaire or are you just making things up?

Why is it so important to you that a Nintendo game isn't the best selling game ever?

It has nothing to do with the game being a nintendo game, what makes you think that or are you just flamebaiting? It is just a fact.

wii sport..........

RolStoppable said:
Esa-Petteri said:
RolStoppable said:

Why is it so important to you that a Nintendo game isn't the best selling game ever?

It has nothing to do with the game being a nintendo game, what makes you think that or are you just flamebaiting? It is just a fact.

Your posting history makes me think that.

And what FishyJoe said.

EDIT: Wii Sports is the best selling Wii game. What is the best selling PS3 game? What is the best selling 360 game?

Since you must be new to this site, I'll help you with that.


Here you can find the best selling PS3 games:

And here you can find the best selling 360 games:


^If you're not being sarcastic, he has over 10,000 posts (and the question was rhetorical).

OT: Miyamoto strikes again!!


To lavish praise upon this title, the assumption of a common plateau between player and game must be made.  I won't open my unworthy mouth.

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Around the Network
RolStoppable said:
Esa-Petteri said:
RolStoppable said:

Your posting history makes me think that.

And what FishyJoe said.

EDIT: Wii Sports is the best selling Wii game. What is the best selling PS3 game? What is the best selling 360 game?

Since you must be new to this site, I'll help you with that.


Here you can find the best selling PS3 games:

And here you can find the best selling 360 games:

Wow, it really worked.

You just proved that Solitaire can't count, because it comes on the HDD and people don't buy a PC to play this game. Otherwise you would have answered the questions with Grand Theft Auto IV for PS3 and Hexic HD for 360.

Oh, that is true. Hexic HD is the best selling 360 title, don't know why it is not tracked here.


RolStoppable said:
Esa-Petteri said:
RolStoppable said:

Wow, it really worked.

You just proved that Solitaire can't count, because it comes on the HDD and people don't buy a PC to play this game. Otherwise you would have answered the questions with Grand Theft Auto IV for PS3 and Hexic HD for 360.

Oh, that is true. Hexic HD is the best selling 360 title, don't know why it is not tracked here.

You are starting to remind me of kingofwale. Can I put that quote of yours in my signature (Hexic HD is the best selling 360 title)?

Sure, I don't see a reason why not.


Holy crap, I don't think I've ever seen Rol destroy someone's argument so perfectly before. You're a freakin monster!

Congrats to Wii Sports, it's really done a lot to get people interested in video games. It's nice that more and more people can enjoy video games!

This topic makes no sense. "Best selling game"? Uhhh sorry, but that would require it to actually be sold in most regions, instead of given away.

It's all about the game.

That's great for a 100% bundled game...I guess.

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