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Forums - Sales Discussion - Within the next few months, Wii Sports will be the best selling game ever

Irony is that I can count on 1 hand the number of times I've played my copy of Wii Sports. Overly simplistic and completely uninteresting IMO. However, I can see how it could be pretty fun if I were still in college and drunk off my ass with a bunch of friends. I'd rather Nintendo charged me less for the system and left out Wii Sports.

Keep this in mind when reading what I type...

I've been gaming longer than many of you have been alive.

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This is BS, it's not(mainly) a SOLD game, it's in-box, just as Super Mario Brothers was. I, and many others, have argued this point before. If you count Wii Sports you should count Solitaire, which is included in EVERY Windows, MANY HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS!!!!!!!!!!!!, version installed/packaged/sold since way back when... so hey Ioi, why are we not counting those??? huh??? anybody want to argue my point? you won't win :p

Zucas said:
Yes it will become the best selling game.

Now for other comparisons I like to compare the best selling game void of multi game and bundled games. And in this case, a Wii game is once again about to take the crown:

1. GTA: San Andreas PS2- 17.50
2. Wii Play- 17.03
3. New Super Mario Bros.- 16.55

So actually its two things about to get dethroned. The actual best selling game ever and then the "other" best selling game ever. And its even got a friend ready to put GTA in 3rd place haha.

Wasn't San Andreas also released on the xbox 1 as well as the pc?

OT: you actually paid to buy Wii play separately? What? When I bought my Wii the bundle that the guy was selling it with including the Wii play + extra Wii remote bundle as well. I've played Wii Play maybe 1-2 times since I got it well over a year and a half ago...I just wanted the extra Wii remote. I'd sell it, but I don't like selling my games...


starcraft: "I and every PS3 fanboy alive are waiting for Versus more than FFXIII.
Me since the games were revealed, the fanboys since E3."

Skeeuk: "playstation 3 is the ultimate in gaming acceleration"

Wii Sports is only about 320k away from beating the best selling PS2 game in Japan, and those are unbundled sales. The only PS2 game it has not passed is DQVIII.

There is a pretty good chance Wii Sports will become the best selling console game in Japan ever. It needs about 800k, which I think is reachable within the Wii's lifetime.

how can someone compare solitaire to wii sports. wii sports is one of the main reasons (if not the main) for the wii´s HUGE success. if it wasn´t because of it wii could have probably sold like gamecube. just like like mario bros was the main reason for the NES´S success. people don´t buy the computer because of solitaire. but they do buy the wii for wii sports (casuals at least). and about bundles. do you think people are going to buy a console that comes with a game they don´t like. just the other day I bought a ds for my little bro with NSMB because of the game.

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KylieDog said:
Oyvoyvoyv said:


Even if you discount Pokemon Blue/Red, you still have to take into account the real best selling non-bundled, none multiple versions game.

Super Mario Land - Gameboy - 18.14M


Also bundled, my GB game with Tetris and SML.


 Are you sure? We had a pretty long thread about this, and we found no proof that it has been bundled. Still, if you think you're sure, you're probably right.


FishyJoe said:
Wii Sports is only about 320k away from beating the best selling PS2 game in Japan, and those are unbundled sales. The only PS2 game it has not passed is DQVIII.

There is a pretty good chance Wii Sports will become the best selling console game in Japan ever. It needs about 800k, which I think is reachable within the Wii's lifetime.


 I'm not sure what you are talking about.

Wii Sports is just 330K behind DQ8. It is, however, ~ 3,520,000 behind the best selling game in Japan - Super Mario Bros.

It is also 0.9M behind DQ7, and it is very doubtable that it will beat that.

So Wii Sports has no chance whatsoever of becomming the best selling console game in Japan ever. It has a good chance of second though - but then it would have to beat Wii Fit too.

That is VGChartz LONGEST review. And it's NOT Cute Kitten DS

vizunary said:
This is BS, it's not(mainly) a SOLD game, it's in-box, just as Super Mario Brothers was. I, and many others, have argued this point before. If you count Wii Sports you should count Solitaire, which is included in EVERY Windows, MANY HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS!!!!!!!!!!!!, version installed/packaged/sold since way back when... so hey Ioi, why are we not counting those??? huh??? anybody want to argue my point? you won't win :p


These posts always make me chuckle. So desperate.

By the way, this site only tracks console games. Consider your point argued.

"The worst part about these reviews is they are [subjective]--and their scores often depend on how drunk you got the media at a Street Fighter event."  — Mona Hamilton, Capcom Senior VP of Marketing
*Image indefinitely borrowed from BrainBoxLtd without his consent.


Tetris was HUGELY bundled originally I think

SML to a lesser extent.

so in all honestly....Pokemon Red/Blue was a "true" beast n not counting it cus there are 2 versions is criminally stupid!

hardly anyone brought both versions

All hail the KING, Andrespetmonkey

Poor, poor Brown gamer, they are still in denial. That being say, I still think Tetris deserve that crown out of all videogame ever made. Pacman or Pong didn't age as well, Solitaire is a card game and Minesweeper isn't as accessible. Tetris got the simplicity, broad appeal, and timelessness as well as replayability that make it a game that will be played fifty years from now on.

Persons without argument hide behind their opinion

darthdevidem01 said:

Tetris was HUGELY bundled originally I think

SML to a lesser extent.

so in all honestly....Pokemon Red/Blue was a "true" beast n not counting it cus there are 2 versions is criminally stupid!

hardly anyone brought both versions


 I agree with this. Pokemon Red/Blue is the true best selling.


And Vizunary.

This is BS, it's not(mainly) a SOLD game, it's in-box, just as Super Mario Brothers was. I, and many others, have argued this point before. If you count Wii Sports you should count Solitaire, which is included in EVERY Windows, MANY HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS!!!!!!!!!!!!, version installed/packaged/sold since way back when... so hey Ioi, why are we not counting those??? huh??? anybody want to argue my point? you won't win :p


If the start of your 1st sentence was directed at your own post, I agree with that.

Second, VGChartz hardly counts any PC sales, and only the ones with concrete data from the publisher. Microsoft will never, give this data, as they cannot tell certainly how many it is exactly.

Third, VGChartz does not count downloadable/on hard-drive games in the main data. All VGChartz counts is retail games. No tracking site counts downloadable/on hard-drive games at the current moment.  You may see some estimates for the Xbox live/Wiiware/Virtual console, but those are only estimates, and not included in the main data.

Fourth, just making my earlier points clear - VGChartz counts retail games only, and doesn't track unless ioi believes the data is complete enough to be close. Solitaire fails to meet either of those demands.

That is VGChartz LONGEST review. And it's NOT Cute Kitten DS