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Forums - Gaming Discussion - I have discovered Nintendo's philosophy. (Can you make it work for PS360?)

Something Old - Banjo Kazooie!

Something New - Achievements

Something Borrowed .. Stolen Tekken, Final Fantasy, Grand Theft Auto, Square Enix.

Something Blue - Blue Dragon!


Around the Network

the other consoles do have some of each.


Old (Xbox sequels) - Halo, Fable, Project Gotham Racing, Forza Motorsport

New - Gears of War, XBLA, Mass Effect

Borrowed - Avatars

Something Red- Red Ring

Something about this thread is very disturbing.

Author of science fiction and other genres, I write under the pen name Desmond Shepherd. The second season of my series The Permanent Man premieres on November 11, 2014. Pre-order the season premiere The Walls Have Ears on Amazon today!

Something old: Dualshock

Something new: $600 price - Third place - HD - Sackboy

Something borrowed: Nintendo arrogance of 90's - Playstation Network

Something blue: Blu-Ray



Sick of SackBoy threads

I am pretty sure Tyrannical is correct with his assumption

hello how are you.