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Forums - Website Topics - While You Were Gone (VG Upgrade)

There was an upgrade to VGcharts... anyone know what it was?

I can say I'm having some posting, viewing problems.

Like when trying to view a forum section, I get a blank page, and Done loading on the bottom of my screen.

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The server just hiccups for a couple of minutes after the transfer, no big deal.

Had that for a bit then broke through...

Former something....

It lasted like 30 min

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I didn't know what to do with myself while it was down. I was scared.


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ya noticed it too...

Reboot your computer if it's acting up. (Actually you just need to flush your DNS and other stuff, but it's easier to just reboot.) You are probably still going through the old server which is set to forward it to the new.

Also, often when the site is acting up, if you go to
instead of

It will work

Thanks guys, your awesome.


Xbone... the new "N" word   Apparently I troll MS now | Evidence | Evidence

The new server is nice new box, with 12GB of ram and over 4 times the cpu power as before. Now we just need 10,000 or 20,000 people to all log in at the same time to make sure everything is working correctly under a heavy load.