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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Did Banjo-Kazooie: Nuts and Bolts get Haze-ed?

I am just wondering if this was another overhyped game that didnt sell squat

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TBH i heard nothing about Banjo,and i dont think it was supposed to turn the console war around and use 60% of the 360 power or w/e,it might of flopped but it wasnt hyped up to be a AAA title :p

I disagree with your sig. Also you're right, Banjo was not as hyped, though it was pretty funny when someone said it would be a surprise AAA title. Game's good based on what I've heard, but it takes universal appeal for a game to do well enough on all review sites to be AAA.


Fail, Banjo wasn't hyped in the slightest. In fact, most people are upset without even knowing anything about the game because it has vehicles.

In which Rare basically said: "Forget traditional platforming, embrace innovation!"

Oh, and by the looks of it, Banjo will have very long legs. Giraffe legs.

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this game was pretty constantly bashed. which is too bad since its so good.

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Maybe it wasn't hyped in the gaming community(haven't been keeping tabs on it), but Rare and Microsoft really blitzed the media with it. I have seen so many commercials for Banjo. They have been running it constantly on ESPN, especially leading up to Black Friday.  Haze commercials also constantly ran on ESPN leading up to the release.  So in this regard, I would say that it did get Haze-ed. 

They should have made it a platformer, since the other Banjo games were good. I haven't played it, so I can't say whether its good or not. But pretty bad sales so far for rare.

Fact: Earthbound is the greatest game ever made

I loved the demo, the game is sitting in my dresser drawer waiting to be wrapped for my Kid under the tree.. I want to play the game..

Most of you know I got it from Amazon for $35 and got Banjo XBL Game for free.



The game was not hyped, more people talked smack about the game more then anything because of the whole building aspect.

It was a fun installment made by Rare for a very satisfying cheap price.

I wasn't expecting LBP results, as some have compared it to in the past.


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Pharaoh said:
Maybe it wasn't hyped in the gaming community, but Rare and Microsoft really blitzed the media with it. I have seen so many commercials for Banjo. They have been running it constantly on ESPN, especially leading up to Black Friday.

They should have made it a platformer, since the other Banjo games were good. I haven't played it, so I can't say whether its good or not. But pretty bad sales so far for rare.

It wasn't hyped, just because you see a few commercials doesn't mean Microsoft "blitzed" anything, rofl. And yeah, I can tell you didn't play it even though you said so, because it IS a platformer. The worlds are just too massive to only walk around, you'd need some sort of transportation, hence they made it vehicular-platforming.

@ MrBubbles: Totally agree, the game is fucking amazing. Lasts forever, too..I don't even think I'm a quarter done collecting everything and I've put in ~25 hours thus far.


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It is a pretty good game. It can't really be compared to Haze. They are completely different genres, and Banjo will have great legs I think.

Haze was supposed to be the next great FPS. It just ended up being garbage. Banjo is getting way better reviews and is targeting a different market.

yes it flopped and about a month ago when people were comparing exclusives they said this game would do better than LBP. yeah right it wasn't hyped.