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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Scribblenauts: new, DS game, fantastic idea

p33nis? hahahaha

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This game sounds very cool. I'll probably chech it out.

awesome is the only way to describe this game's concept

Wii/Mario Kart Wii Code:2793-0686-5434

God I love it already, I want to just find as many ways to get the star out of the tree in that trailor as possible..... man I love the DS it gets all the original stuff not from Nintendo :)

but seriously I love to see game developers coming up with new and fresh stuff. I will be getting this launch day even if I don't buy a single other game next year (which is not a impossiblity but for other reasons.)

Currently dreaming of: DKC4 or Sonic the Hedgehog 4 (classic 2D platformers) for WiiWare, Smash Bros. for DSi, New Super Mario World for DSi, a Wii remake or true sequel of Final Fantasy Tactics.

One down, hopefully more awesomeness to come.

Must buy game. Really great idea.

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Bodhesatva said:

The answer is apparently "thousands." Someone asked the designer if these were in the game, off the top of his head:


* Beer
* Mongoose
* Thimble
* Moped
* Inkwell
* Coaster
* Pliers
* Kumquat


The answer to all of these random possibilities was "yes."



  • God
  • Lightening
  • Bocci Ball
  • Dildo
  • Nudobranch
  • Wookie
  • PSP

misterd said:
Bodhesatva said:

The answer is apparently "thousands." Someone asked the designer if these were in the game, off the top of his head:


* Beer
* Mongoose
* Thimble
* Moped
* Inkwell
* Coaster
* Pliers
* Kumquat


The answer to all of these random possibilities was "yes."



  • God
  • Lightening
  • Bocci Ball
  • Dildo
  • Nudobranch
  • Wookie
  • PSP

No proper nouns, so God and PSP are out. No copyrighted material, so Wookie is out. And no vulgar words, so Dildo is out. However, I have already SEEN clouds displayed. Therefore, I also assume there is lightning, yes. And perhaps bocci balls, although that would be more difficult to show.">">

Man this reminds me of those old King's Quest games where you type in your instructions and could get some pretty wacky responses.

Bodhesatva said:

The answer is apparently "thousands." Someone asked the designer if these were in the game, off the top of his head:


* Beer
* Mongoose
* Thimble
* Moped
* Inkwell
* Coaster
* Pliers
* Kumquat


The answer to all of these random possibilities was "yes."

If those were your only 8 options for the entire game, it would already be awesome.

This game, however, is super mega hyper ultimate awesome.

This game is just awesome.

Go buy Metroid OTHER M!

Wii code: 6775-1034-2238-1634

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