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Forums - General Discussion - highwaystar101 prevented of a crime today :-)

I was in the bull ring today (a very big shopping mall in birmingham) when I got on an escalator. I noticed the chav in front of me was looking franticly around him and looking at the stachell of the guy in front of him. I knew he was shifty, he was a real chav, looked like he lived on a council estate and was a father at 14.

Anyway, he opened this guys satchell and started to feel around. I grabbed this guys arm and pulled it round his back. The other guy turned round, i asked him if he knew this guy and he said no, so I told him he was searching through his bag. He looked at his bag and it was open.

This chav, knowing full well that he was caught red handed started bigging himself up saying how hew was going to "knock the Sh*t out of both of us" and "His posse ran the city and he knew who we were", bullshit obviously.

Anyway, when we got to the top of the escalator I pushed him to the floor (strike first kind of thing), the guy whos bag it was said thanks and shook my hand. The chav got up and ran away, we didn't bother chasing him it wasn't worth it. The guy was grateful thankfully and i felt a little proud of myself...

and that was my day.

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You vigilante, you.

Nice one =D


He'll probably rob someone else though.

Nice one! Takes some balls that

I hope my 360 doesn't RRoD
         "Suck my balls!" - Tag courtesy of Fkusmot

nice job

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@ DmiesterJ: Of course he will, he looked like robbing people was his career.

That is great!

Not sure what a "chav" is. Not sure if I am just American so I don' t understand, if I am just stupid and don't understand, or most likely both.

My favorite part was, "I pushed him to the floor". You should switch it up though and make it more dramatic. "I tossed his lifeless form to the ground after brutally beating him."


midwinter said:

That is great!

Not sure what a "chav" is. Not sure if I am just American so I don' t understand, if I am just stupid and don't understand, or most likely both.

My favorite part was, "I pushed him to the floor". You should switch it up though and make it more dramatic. "I tossed his lifeless form to the ground after brutally beating him."

Hey... I kind of like that! ^^


Nice job by the way, a bit violent at the end though (I wonder if it was necessary to push him?).

Random game thought :
Why is Bionic Commando Rearmed 2 getting so much hate? We finally get a real game and they're not even satisfied... I'm starting to hate the gaming community so f****** much...

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midwinter said:

That is great!

Not sure what a "chav" is. Not sure if I am just American so I don' t understand, if I am just stupid and don't understand, or most likely both.

My favorite part was, "I pushed him to the floor". You should switch it up though and make it more dramatic. "I tossed his lifeless form to the ground after brutally beating him."


Lol. Good sotry, though.

Okay. I didn't want to tell everyone, but.......I'm Batman. I've been looking for a young sidekick to help me fight crime while wearing green fish scale underwear, a yellow cape, and a domino mask. What I'm trying to say is......Highwaystar, will you marry m- I mean, err.....will you be my Robin?