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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Anyone picked up mushroom men yet?

i just got it!!
my first impression... go and buy it NOW!!

it has excellent graphics, gameplay and it's very fun and funny as well!
the motion controls are awesome and there's a lot of them!

there's full camera control and maybe the graphics are one of the best on Wii (very possible)

i find it even better than De Blob!
it's great that developers put so much effort, it can be a 2 million seller, legs can be long!

well, it won't do 2 million (3rd party, Wii game) but i think it will have legs


can't imagine how great The Conduit is gonna be!

don't mind my username, that was more than 10 years ago, I'm a different person now, amazing how people change ^_^

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I'm really looking forward to this game and I wanted to buy it before Christmas but the UK release date has been pushed back till Feb :( At least it is cheap though:   £24.99 at Play

I'm glad to hear it's good, dark_gh0st_b0y!

Mario Kart Wii Friend Code: 3308-4850-9342 / STEAM ID: makepeacefox

"There he goes. One of God's own prototypes. A high-powered mutant of some kind never even considered for mass production. Too weird to live, and too rare to die."

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dark_gh0st_b0y said:
i just got it!!
my first impression... go and buy it NOW!!

it has excellent graphics, gameplay and it's very fun and funny as well!
the motion controls are awesome and there's a lot of them!

there's full camera control and maybe the graphics are the best on Wii (very possible)

i find it much better than De Blob!
it's great that developers put so much effort, it can be a 2 million seller, legs can be very long!

can't imagine how great The Conduit is gonna be!

Tell me more about the gameplay, please. It's the part I've always been most unimpressed by so far, even though I want to like the game.


noname2200 said:
dark_gh0st_b0y said:
i just got it!!
my first impression... go and buy it NOW!!

it has excellent graphics, gameplay and it's very fun and funny as well!
the motion controls are awesome and there's a lot of them!

there's full camera control and maybe the graphics are the best on Wii (very possible)

i find it much better than De Blob!
it's great that developers put so much effort, it can be a 2 million seller, legs can be very long!

can't imagine how great The Conduit is gonna be!

Tell me more about the gameplay, please. It's the part I've always been most unimpressed by so far, even though I want to like the game.




use the Wii-remote vertically, horizontally or thrust to attack (accoarding to weapon, 1/3 do vertical motions and so on)

use the arrows to move the camera freely

you can move items with a green sign on them, while pressing use the pointer to move it, and use the Wii-remote to throw it or bring it closer and so on (something like Star Wars force unleashed)

it's obvious how you move around

shake nunckuk to switch between 2 weapons of your shoice

so evade and z for defence

a to jumb


there are a lot of weapons, more than 30 or smth, also some extra mini-games on the menu  which i haven't trid yet

the enviroments are great and some are way huge!

don't mind my username, that was more than 10 years ago, I'm a different person now, amazing how people change ^_^

I just started de Blob yesterday and it's awesome. Saying Mushroom Men is even better than de Blob piques my curiosity even more.

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ameratsu said:

Any impressions? Is it worth a try?

I'm going to have access to a Wii over the holidays so i'd like to know if this game is any good. Seems to be getting a good user score on metacritic.



I wouldn't exactly call a 69 a good score.  That said, I have some games with lower scores that I like a lot.

EDIT:  Oopps, just noticed you said user scores.  That's 9.8..  problem is I don't trust user scores on metacritic...   amazon is about the only place I semi trust them (if there is >20).  So far Amazon has a single score 5/5.



jlauro said:
ameratsu said:

Any impressions? Is it worth a try?

I'm going to have access to a Wii over the holidays so i'd like to know if this game is any good. Seems to be getting a good user score on metacritic.



I wouldn't exactly call a 69 a good score.  That said, I have some games with lower scores that I like a lot.



maybe the score is bad, but the game is great!

reviers always find something negative, they always point out the negative than the positive  : (


if you like platformers you'll love it, it's has a lot of ideas, completely new, and it's completely different than de blob, they are both awesome, but i find this a bit better!

it reminds of Spyro The Dragon for Ps1, or Banjo from N64, that kind of thing


don't mind my username, that was more than 10 years ago, I'm a different person now, amazing how people change ^_^

dark_gh0st_b0y said:
jlauro said:
ameratsu said:

Any impressions? Is it worth a try?

I'm going to have access to a Wii over the holidays so i'd like to know if this game is any good. Seems to be getting a good user score on metacritic.



I wouldn't exactly call a 69 a good score.  That said, I have some games with lower scores that I like a lot.



maybe the score is bad, but the game is great!

reviers always find something negative, they always point out the negative than the positive  : (


if you like platformers you'll love it, it's has a lot of ideas, completely new, and it's completely different than de blob, they are both awesome, but i find this a bit better!

it reminds of Spyro The Dragon for Ps1, or Banjo from N64, that kind of thing


I know it's the exception, but reveiws don't always find something negative.  Look at the reviews for GTA IV...


I liked Spyro for the PS1.  I'll probably picked up a used (or even new now that it's below $20) copy eventually of a wii version if I run out of other games I want more...  would of picked it up already besides for the poor reviews.