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Forums - Sony Discussion - What will make you buy killzone 2?

The ONLY thing that would make me buy KZ2 is.....

..... its release date!

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It it lives B3yond its hype, i be sure to pick it up, even though i have it on reserve anways.


As long as it doesn't get savaged review wise, I'll buy it. Like the OP, 80 or above one metacritic is enough. I just hope the gameplay delivers.

it's comming in a 20 year old birthday

i am getting it surelly.

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headshot91 said:
Phrancheyez said:
headshot91 said:
Phrancheyez said:
headshot91 said:
@NYANKS ah but you dont know that yet! i personally hope it will and think it will but hey. BTW while i do take other peoples and classm8's etc views into account if its say a preorder i usually look at at least some reviews b4 bying it. But i dont rely on them solely , everyon else is about the same i thnk


That's a big negative..I don't trust a single websites opinions on any game.  That doesn't mean I don't occasionally agree with their opinions, but I've never agreed with the majority of any single websites opinions.  That being said, because of the same reason, I wouldn't even trust if 5 sites said the same thing - I trust what I see and what I play.


 Negative? Thats my opinion and as i stated i look at some websites but i also take into account my m8s who already hv it. If its not our yet and only some reviews are up 4 it ill have to base my opinion on those and what i hv seen in videos as i have no other option. You cant say its a big negative as thats what i think. I obv dont base my views on reviews i have my own opinion and you cant say thats negative


The bolded line is why I said it's a negative.  You said everyone else is about the same.  I disagree, strongly.  In fact, in real life, I don't know a single person who reads reviews before buying a game.  Every single one of them use demos and rentals.  And I know a lot of gamers..which doesn't account for 'everyone' but it discounts your statement about 'everyone' none-the-less.

No actually quite a few people would look at reviews thats why these gamesites exist... Plus i sed i dont rely on them solely which i said everyone else is about the same, you have made my two seperate sentences onto one long one and so the content has been shown in a different way. I clearly state that "i dont rely on game review solely" and then say that "everyone else is about the same i think" ie everybody else wont base their opinions on game reviews. So you have been twisting my words around.Therefore that discounts your  statement as you have been discouting views which i dont even have


I'm pretty sure I can read and understand english.  If you want to argue that you didn't mean what you said, that's one thing..otherwise, you're an idiot.  Sorry mods, he just is.

well he was twisting my words around. OT KZ2 will i think get above 80, nd sinc beta testers say its so gd ill probably buy it

Should have no problem getting above 90.

It's all about the game.

I'll buy it if someone puts a gun to my head.


I won't since its a FPS and I don't like FPS.

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