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Forums - Gaming Discussion - You can Play Resident Evil 5 demo NOW!.... if you try.

help please

im trying to download the demo but for some reason when is around 95% or more it stops and a text shows up sayin that the demo cannot b completed
try again later

why is that???

Official Member of the Xbox 360 Squad 

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Did someone try it.


I wonder if my old Japanese Live Account still works... Oh well, won't be home for three days so it will be awhile before I can try it.

Or check out my new webcomic:

Im so jealous man i want to play RE5


                                                                      Play Me

I tried it. The game is the best looking game ever. It's almost photorealistic. The image quality is amazing , not a single jaggy on sight . The models are CGI-quality. The gameplay is like RE4 meets old RE. It retains the shooting elements of RE4 but it definitely has more survival horror elements . "public assembly" could be described as RE4 meets L4D "shanty town " is more traditional RE stuff. I liked the demo and i will buy the game day 1.

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fulcizombie said:
I tried it. The game is the best looking game ever. It's almost photorealistic. The image quality is amazing , not a single jaggy on sight . The models are CGI-quality. The gameplay is like RE4 meets old RE. It retains the shooting elements of RE4 but it definitely has more survival horror elements . "public assembly" could be described as RE4 meets L4D "shanty town " is more traditional RE stuff. I liked the demo and i will buy the game day 1.


 How long is the demo, can u play both single and co-op.


The demo is quite long.I think you can play coop both online and offline.

great 800,000 japanese are happy, but 14 million Americans are pissed they have to wait!

When does it come to america?

Playstation 3 owner since December 25th, 2006

I need help downloading the demo now...

It says i'm not in the right location to download the demo?

But I put in everything the way it's suppost to be.

Japan, Tokyo-to, 150-2345   ????

I even have Gold Account going...

PS4 Preordered - 06/11/2013 @09:30am

XBox One Preordered - 06/19/2013 @07:57pm

"I don't trust #XboxOne & #Kinect 2.0, it's always connected" as you tweet from your smartphone - irony 0_o

no they locked it now..