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Forums - Sony Discussion - Dissidia creators talk FFXII, FFXIII characters

PSPFNNews: "Speaking in an interview with Japan's Weekly Famitsu (which is courteously translated by 1UP), the Dissidia dev team has spoken out about the possible inclusion of Final Fantasy XII and XIII characters making their way into the game. Creative producer Tetsuya Nomura replied to the mag when drilled on those sought after games, but Noms had some disappointing news to reveal: "One idea we had was to include an FFXIII character, but having one debut in Dissidia would lock down the image of his or her skills and so forth, perhaps affecting FFXIII in the process. As a result, we couldn't get permission."

"That's rather understandable. But wait; what about FFXII? Well, Nomura was a little more mysterious in his answer for this one: "As for FFXII, just stay tuned for now (laughs)." Is he laughing because we're totally not going to see a character from the game? Or, is he laughing because we're definitely going to see one? Commence dramatic progressive argument in our comments section!"

My Personal Opinion:  LULZ!

Around the Network

I think they should include a FFXIII character! All the "it will fix its image and skills blabla" is bullshit!

If they include Basch as the good guy and Gabranth as the bad guy, I will be so pleased

Even if Nomura inevitably bastardizes their designs

Balthier as the good guy and Gabranth or Zargabath as the bad guy!!!

perpride said:
Balthier as the good guy and Gabranth or Zargabath as the bad guy!!!


Basch 4 lyfe, son!

Around the Network

Well they got an FF11 character in there.

Don't see why anyone from 12 couldn't make it.

Tag - "No trolling on my watch!"

ClaudeLv250 said:
Well they got an FF11 character in there.

Don't see why anyone from 12 couldn't make it.


Agree'd at this rate they might as well.

Why not?

They should. PSP is dead.

Adding a character from FFXII seems ok.
Although it feels like adding a character from FFXIII would simply be pushing it, we know little about the game aside from a few of the main characters. I havn't even heard anything about the villian of the game, so if they do add something from FFXII well. I guess it'll spoil a few things.

Or they'll heavily delay the game, and this is one game that I can't wait to try out.

Why must JRPG female leads suck so bad?

Sephiroth357 said:
Why not?

They should. PSP is dead.


PSP...Is not dead... it has better 3rd party support then all 3 next gen consoles...the only one that out beats the PSP in terms of 3rd party exclusive games is the DS thats all...