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Forums - Sales Discussion - NA November 2008 Console Sales Totals

Hawkeye said:
Waa... year 2 can't be PS3's peak year! It will do better in December thanks to the Rachet and Clank+ Casion Royale bundle I bet.


 That was a Black Friday only deal at Best Buy.

Its libraries that sell systems not a single game.

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Hyruken said:
Max King of the Wild said:

I have the website add the numbers for me.®%5B%5D=America&start=39761&end=39782

And the site has Canada and Mexico's numbers already added so you have to take those sales out to get expected NPD numbers.

Nice try at being condescending though... i bet it stings a little after being so smug then being shown wrong


 clicking on your link shows the exact same numbers i posted in my post.....

seriously if your numbers were different why hae you shown me the same ones i put up? That just supports my numbers and makes yours even more laughable.

Then what makes it even funnier is your line at the end about it must sting to be proven wrong, how am i wrong if you just agreed/linked and supported my numbers exactly? I mean i have seen stupid but this one must be up there with the most...As for the Canada statement your just guessing at what must be taken off the numbers. Idiot.

What's with the attitude? Max never attacked you, he explained he got his numbers by multiplying the total NA figures by 0.83 accounting for the approximative size of sales in Canada and Mexico. If you want to estimate NPD US numbers, you have to figure out the VGChartz US numbers.


Signature goes here!

Should we wait until the NPD, or assume the 360 really did trample on the PS3?

I hope my 360 doesn't RRoD
         "Suck my balls!" - Tag courtesy of Fkusmot

The thing that makes it more complex is that multplying by 0.9 is really more of a general rule for the whole market (Canada is not quite 0.1 on it's own Max, it's usually more like 8%, and given Black Friday is a US thing should be slightly less this time)

This general rule doesn't apply equally to all consoles, so it might be more accurate to multiply DS by 0.87 and PSP by 0.91 or something like that (it could be the reverse, it's hard to know)

Without reliable Canadian NPD data each month (it seems to come sporadically) it's hard to get all the data together and make a good comparison.... this is why *0.9 is a vague rule rather than a means to point out which console is 10k overtracked.

HA! PS3 is down. Funny that and the 360 numbers aren't really a big boost, though they've done their job to outsell the PS3.

End of '08 predictions (made by theprof00): PS3: 20m, 360: 23.5m, wii: 42m

Now Playin':  PS3|Resistance 2, LBP, Uncharted and Fifa 09, PSP| Ratchet and Clank: Size matters, 360| Gears of war 2 and Fallout 3.

Around the Network
Hyruken said:
Max King of the Wild said:

I have the website add the numbers for me.®%5B%5D=America&start=39761&end=39782

And the site has Canada and Mexico's numbers already added so you have to take those sales out to get expected NPD numbers.

Nice try at being condescending though... i bet it stings a little after being so smug then being shown wrong


 clicking on your link shows the exact same numbers i posted in my post.....

seriously if your numbers were different why hae you shown me the same ones i put up? That just supports my numbers and makes yours even more laughable.

Then what makes it even funnier is your line at the end about it must sting to be proven wrong, how am i wrong if you just agreed/linked and supported my numbers exactly? I mean i have seen stupid but this one must be up there with the most...As for the Canada statement your just guessing at what must be taken off the numbers. Idiot.


No need to throw around insults. 

Flaming is not tolerated here.

well done 360

if you wont listen to me would you listen to the source?

can I have an apology for your insults now?

TruckOSaurus said:
Hyruken said:
Max King of the Wild said:

I have the website add the numbers for me.®%5B%5D=America&start=39761&end=39782

And the site has Canada and Mexico's numbers already added so you have to take those sales out to get expected NPD numbers.

Nice try at being condescending though... i bet it stings a little after being so smug then being shown wrong


 clicking on your link shows the exact same numbers i posted in my post.....

seriously if your numbers were different why hae you shown me the same ones i put up? That just supports my numbers and makes yours even more laughable.

Then what makes it even funnier is your line at the end about it must sting to be proven wrong, how am i wrong if you just agreed/linked and supported my numbers exactly? I mean i have seen stupid but this one must be up there with the most...As for the Canada statement your just guessing at what must be taken off the numbers. Idiot.

What's with the attitude? Max never attacked you, he explained he got his numbers by multiplying the total NA figures by 0.83 accounting for the approximative size of sales in Canada and Mexico. If you want to estimate NPD US numbers, you have to figure out the VGChartz US numbers.


"i bet it stings a little after being so smug then being shown wrong"

Sounds like an attack to me...

Cheers for the guy who reported me though, very mature of you.


Max King of the Wild said:
if you wont listen to me would you listen to the source?

can I have an apology for your insults now?


 But your numbers are still out....

And i won't apologise no. If you can dish it out you must be able to take it too. As the old saying goes dont throw stones at glass houses. But you can report me for that as well if you like! :)