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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Mrstickball's 'RRoD Experience' Thread..Find out how long MS takes to fix!!



Well mine took about 2 weeks and i got it back a lil after GTA4 was in at blockbuster.

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yeah, that's comparable to my two PS3 repairs. the first time I broke it by forgetting to clean the intake ports and it overheated. I procrastinated a week or two and then sent it in. took 11 days including them sending me a coffin. (they don't have a 'print' option afaik) the second time, it randomly stopped reading discs and it took 10 days including the coffin. (the weekend came at exactly the right time for that one) However, the first time they sent a new PS3 and the second time they simply replaced the disc drive, which was sweet because I didn't have to re-download all the crap I have on that thing.

glad to hear you got your 360 back btw....

Not trying to be a fanboy. Of course, it's hard when you own the best console eve... dang it

Seraphic_Sixaxis said:
I thought the newer model 360's dont get RRoD's anymore?

Any system can still get RRoD, as the RRoD basically means "hey, your X360 is dead on the inside"

However, the classical reason for the high RRoD rates - GPU separation from the mobo, is very very rare. With the Falcon model (2007's model), the rate of hardware failure dropped from ~30% to ~5-7%.

And now we have the Jasper that just came out which should be even lower.


Back from the dead, I'm afraid.

mrstickball said:
Seraphic_Sixaxis said:
I thought the newer model 360's dont get RRoD's anymore?

Any system can still get RRoD, as the RRoD basically means "hey, your X360 is dead on the inside"

However, the classical reason for the high RRoD rates - GPU separation from the mobo, is very very rare. With the Falcon model (2007's model), the rate of hardware failure dropped from ~30% to ~5-7%.

And now we have the Jasper that just came out which should be even lower.



and its not always over heating,RROD is caused by DVD drive fails.

Retrasado said:
yeah, that's comparable to my two PS3 repairs. the first time I broke it by forgetting to clean the intake ports and it overheated. I procrastinated a week or two and then sent it in. took 11 days including them sending me a coffin. (they don't have a 'print' option afaik) the second time, it randomly stopped reading discs and it took 10 days including the coffin. (the weekend came at exactly the right time for that one) However, the first time they sent a new PS3 and the second time they simply replaced the disc drive, which was sweet because I didn't have to re-download all the crap I have on that thing.

glad to hear you got your 360 back btw....

I take it by coffin you mean box.

I had to use my  own packaging and they said not to send it back in original box.






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Garnett said:
mrstickball said:
Seraphic_Sixaxis said:
I thought the newer model 360's dont get RRoD's anymore?

Any system can still get RRoD, as the RRoD basically means "hey, your X360 is dead on the inside"

However, the classical reason for the high RRoD rates - GPU separation from the mobo, is very very rare. With the Falcon model (2007's model), the rate of hardware failure dropped from ~30% to ~5-7%.

And now we have the Jasper that just came out which should be even lower.



and its not always over heating,RROD is caused by DVD drive fails.

DVD failure shouldn't cause a RROD. You get a RROD when it is so broke it can't display video.

DVD failure should give an error code on the screen.


Yet, today, America's leaders are reenacting every folly that brought these great powers [Russia, Germany, and Japan] to ruin -- from arrogance and hubris, to assertions of global hegemony, to imperial overstretch, to trumpeting new 'crusades,' to handing out war guarantees to regions and countries where Americans have never fought before. We are piling up the kind of commitments that produced the greatest disasters of the twentieth century.
 — Pat Buchanan – A Republic, Not an Empire