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Forums - General Discussion - Did/do your parent/guardian not let you play certain games?

not anymore but i used to not be allowed to play GTA. I wasn't allowed to get 3, vice city or san andreas

Playstation 3 owner since December 25th, 2006

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Not me. I can play whatever Id like. Minus eroge games. Id have to play those when no ones home..;P

I was never allowed to watch power rangers :'( "its too violent" though by the time I was ten they seemed to give up censoring stuff.

Yeah, back than I was not allowed to play GTA!

My parents didn't give a damn about what I played.

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My parents didn't approve of me playing DOOM on the SNES since it was rated M and I was like....12 or so. They didn't stop me tho.


No. My mom played Conker's Bad Fur Day with me an entire summer before my sixth grade year.

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My parents never restricted me to play any game. I played Quake 1/2 and Mortal Kombat 4 when I was 9. My bro got GTA Vice City when he was 10 (I was around 14 back then).

To me that was the right decision. I don't know why a parent should limit the games his son wants to play if they know the kid is mature enough to handle them

My mom bought a Genesis to supplement our SNES when she found out that Mortal Kombat for SNES had no blood.

I would cite regulation, but I know you will simply ignore it.

NOt really, but we would have constant conversations about right and wrong and the diffrence between real world and fantasy world.