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Forums - Sales Discussion - Congratulations Wii Music and LittleBigPlanet

I wonder which game more ppl want, ie. which will come out on top.

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SmokedHostage said:

By now, you're both probably Platinum.  I salute you both.


Yay lets congratulate casual games for selling well.

Times Banned: 12

Press----------------> <----------------Press

Nice work for both. No surprise either of them made it.

darthdevidem01 said:

1 Million for any platformer besides Mario is a big deal

1 Million for a game hated unjustly & proclaimed flop (wii music) is also a big deal



One million a month for a new IP is also a big deal.  He acts like these games already stopped selling.

OT: Kudos to both games.  I still need to try out Wii Music though.