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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - How do you feel about M$ new DVD to Drive option?

It's a real useful option. Just getting rid of the drive noise makes it worth it. Shorter loading times are a sweet bonus and some games are way more responsive (fable 2 pause screen menu, mass effect doesn't freeze in the middle of a level to load, etc).

It's a shame I can only have one game installed at a time, owning a 20 giger. I have to admit ever since this new update has been pushed I've been considering the idea of grabbing an elite to replace my 06 xenon I got as a refurb from MS last year. It's got quite the resale vale the old bugger, having one of the easy to hax dvd drives they used in the past.

Current-gen game collection uploaded on the profile, full of win and good games; also most of my PC games. Lucasfilm Games/LucasArts 1982-2008 (Requiescat In Pace).

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To answer the OP, I think it was a small third reason. I just bought a 120GB because I usually swap out about 3-4 games at any one time since I play so many online multiplayer types. That and I've had to delete a lot of videos I bought to fit the install, so a 120GB that I can fill up with 3-4 games, all the videos I deleted, and have room to spare would be good! I also have about 20+ arcade games, but those haven't needed deleted yet, so I should be good there as well.

I'm getting a 120GB HD just for this feature, this pretty much sums up my impressions

@jagenjg , looking at your avatar makes me wanna watch some DBZ freeza saga..good time they were indeed


Anyone who doesn't like this feature can cry more.  I'll never understand people who complain about awesome free features.  Yes, microsoft is making money on hdd sales.  So what.  They're making sales because this is an awesome feature that some people want to take advantage of.  If you're one of those people complaining about this then stfu and pretend it doesn't exist.  Use your 360 the way it's always been used.  This doesn't affect you crybabies.

On a side note, I hope the next consoles learn from this.  Optional install are the way to go imo.  I really hate being forced to spend 10 minutes installing games on my ps3.  But optional installs are awesome.  I don't have to sit and wait every time I try something new I rented.  I don't have to sit and wait to install games that might run just fine without it.

Krusnik said:
I'm getting a 120GB HD just for this feature, this pretty much sums up my impressions

@jagenjg , looking at your avatar makes me wanna watch some DBZ freeza saga..good time they were indeed



That is what I was getting at.  I too am going to go out and buy a 120 gig.  Other wise I would of just continued to run on the 20 GB I have right now.

I wonder how much of the ability to allow us to install the games was fuled by the need/want to increase sells of their 120 gig HDD.

Consoles: Atari 5200, NES, SNES, N64, Dreamcast, PS2, Gamecube, Wii, Xbox 360, PS3

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I think this is easily the best feature of the NXE (Netflix being a close second) - installing games to the HDD makes things faster (generally), and quiets your system down by a very large margin. I can actually hear my games when I play them, now. It's pretty nice.

I love it and it finally made me upgrade my 20gig to a 120gig. I had just planned to have one game installed at any given time but now I have about six I believe.

Also, just a pet peeve, but I hate it when people type M$. No bigger way to make yourself really seem like a some sort of tool or this guy:

^ The punchline was cut off twestem.  Sorry, did not mean to stress you out there with the '$'.  I was just trying to shorten up the title.

Consoles: Atari 5200, NES, SNES, N64, Dreamcast, PS2, Gamecube, Wii, Xbox 360, PS3

i wish m$ would release a 250 hdd sometime next year, when i get a 360 back.





I love it. xD

Official member of the Xbox 360 Squad