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Forums - Gaming Discussion - You dont have to mention Wii everytime someone talks about PS3 vs 360!

amp316 said:

It depends on the thread. When someone is acting like the 360 is ruling the world and ignoring ignoring Wii, I'll say something. If someone starts a thread saying that this is about the race between the PS3 and 360, then I won't say anything. I personally think that fighting over second is silly. Vince Lomardi once said that coming in second makes you the number one loser or something like that. I don't mean that as a shot at those systems but I think that coming in second is nothing to be proud of. I don't go around saying that the Bears from a couple of years ago were awesome when they lost in the Super Bowl because I'm a Bears fan. I try to ignore that game.

I agree... but at the same time, selling the most console units doesn't neccesarily make a company #1.  Let's just say for arguement sake that MS decided to subsidize all of their consoles and sell them for $75.00 each.  If that were to happen, the XBOX 360 would "win" this console generation because in the end, its sales would destroy Nintendo & Sony on the sales charts.

But obviously that wouldn't constitute a victory.  It would cost MS billions and run their gaming division into the ground.

What I'm trying to say is, console sales alone only paints part of the picture.

Nintendo is a gaming company.  That's all they do.  If the Wii had failed, Nintendo would have slumped back into becoming a software company (like in the early 80s).

I think it goes without saying that MS & Sony have a much larger empire that trancends gaming.  They both can tank in this console generation and come back swinging harder the next generation.

Microsoft is a good example of this.  The original XBOX total sales were very meager.  XBOX was not a household name by any means.  But for MS, it was a victory (despite the fact they came in last in sales) because it helped establish the XBOX brand as a viable gaming system.

I think the same goes for Sony.  Even if the PS3 absolutely bombs and loses Sony tons of money, the PS3 played a large role in the catapulting of the Blu-ray standard (and defeat of HD DVD).  The revenue that Sony will make off of Blu-ray licensing will far out pace any of this generation's console profits.  So, although Sony got their butt kicked in the console war, the defeat really helped them win the storage media format war.

I think it's also a win for Microsoft this generation.  Despite the fact that the RROD completely tarnished the XBOX image, they still sell the consoles like hotcakes.  Obviously Microsofts goal of slowly erroding Sony's market share has worked, and it's actually a valid part of the console marketplace now. 

Don't get me wrong, both Sony & MS would love to trade places with Nintendo in marketshare.  But it is still by no means a defeat for either company.  Sometimes victories happen in the battles away from the frontlines.



Wii Code:



XBOX LIVE: Comrade Tovya 2


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^well if you want to go along that line then it can be a tie b/t the wii and the 360 as both have surpassed previous gen hardware numbers

and in that case the ps3 is really up crap creek


^^ ^^

So everyone wins?

Proud member of the SONIC SUPPORT SQUAD

Tag "Sorry man. Someone pissed in my Wheaties."

"There are like ten games a year that sell over a million units."  High Voltage CEO -  Eric Nofsinger

^not until the ps3 outsells the ps2 LTD


mesoteto said:
^not until the ps3 outsells the ps2 LTD


No.  Sony's strategy was for the PS3 to not sell well because it would take sales from the PS2.  Sony wants the PS2 to remain the top selling console of all time.

Proud member of the SONIC SUPPORT SQUAD

Tag "Sorry man. Someone pissed in my Wheaties."

"There are like ten games a year that sell over a million units."  High Voltage CEO -  Eric Nofsinger

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mesoteto said:
^well if you want to go along that line then it can be a tie b/t the wii and the 360 as both have surpassed previous gen hardware numbers

and in that case the ps3 is really up crap creek


Well, no, it's not a tie.  Wii is definitely winning.  MS' goal is to be #1.  I'm just saying that MS is getting closer to their goal.  Sony on the other hand is stepping backwards.  Completely ruling two straight generations and then losing their monopoly in the 3rd (but gaining a monopoly in storage media in return).

Had Sony excluded the BD format from the PS3, the console probably would have started off at $300.00 and would now be even cheaper.  They also would have delivered it to market sooner (instead of giving up valuable ground to the X360).

But had they done that, they probably wouldn't have hands down defeated Toshiba & HD DVD.  So they gave up one thing to get another.  That wasn't the plan of course, but that's what they ended up doing.

I think Sony's marketing of, "we've got Blu-ray, and MS & Nintendo don't, ha ha!" marketing was a bust.  When the average person still loves their standard DVDs, it's hard to convince them that they are all idiots who are the behind the times.

Actually, the PS3s biggest nemisis in the beginning of this console war was the PS2.  They couldn't even outsell their own antiquated console for quite awhile. 

Sony really screwed this gen up in so many ways... kinda sad for a company who annihilated everyone last gen... 1st to last.


Wii Code:



XBOX LIVE: Comrade Tovya 2


^i would like to agree but my nin side dosnt think its sad .......


It's all in how you word it.

Boycotting the following:

1. Yoshi: He ate my car and spit out a toaster.

2. Igglybuff: Totally false advertisement. You can have as many as you like they don't buff nothing.

3. the Terms Hardcore/Softcore... We're talking Video Games. Not Porn.

4. The term Casual as relates to Gamers: We make them sound like outsider's that happen to play games.  If that were the case they'd own a PS3.

5. Donuts.... Beacause I drink Beer...... and the biggest fan of Donuts hates Beer.

6. Boycotts: Their so lame.



tuoyo said:
radha said:
well there most wii fans that wont admit it, but there are to many good games on HD consoles to think that someone with only a wii is a hardcore gamer, how can someone not have games like gear1/2, assassin's creed, metal gear, gran turismo,final fantasy 13, etc and call himself hardcore (most hardcore last gen did ok without zelda and mario)???

when i ask people that own a wii why they have one they say "is fun to play bowling when people come by", that is not a hardcore gamer expression (this is not a bad thing), anyway, i do believe that wii is in a different market, the thing is sony and MS have found out there is a lot of money in the market nintendo have created(or discovered) and they want some of it, but that market is so different that when a hardcore gamer sees elements of like the ones on the wii in a hd console they complain, lots of people have complained about the new casual friendly xbox interface, and many hardcore didn't like LBP because it looked casual. The thing is hardcore gamers are rejecting things that are considered casual this may put the company in a position where they have to decide, if go the nintendo way or not.

At the end if you have a ps3 or 360 you may buy a wii (or the other way around) but i you have one hd console the probabilities of you getting another hd console is very low, that to me proof that ps3 and 360 satisfy different markets than the wii does, we can call that market what ever we want, casual , half hardcore, hybrid but not hardcore (i believe a hardcore gamer wants immersion even if he plays 15 minutes, a casual games is happy just by been entertained even if that means playing 4 hours i a row).

Did you accidently post in the wrong thread?  I ask because your post has no connection with the topic being discussed (and not because you have stated your opinion on what a hard core gamer wants as fact which I will leave for another day as it is completely off topic). 

Ah I think I see the connection now.  You are saying because the PS360 satisfy a different market from the Wii anytime we talk about the 360 winning it is implied it means winning over the Wii  ps3 because the Wii does not satisfy hardcore gamers.  Correct?  Well I guess that works.  It's the same way I was stuck in a cage with an 800lb lion I decided to ignore it and as a result came out the winner.  The person who went into the cage after me did not ignore the lion and so was eaten up alive. 


yes that's what i was trying to say, but your illustration is not accurate, i see it more like a Ferrari vs a Rolls Royce they are cars but  but the market is different, why would ferrari be concern about the sports vehicle market if Rolls Royce makes a limousine?


dd if = /dev/brain | tail -f | grep games | nc -lnvvp 80

Hey Listen!

Your assertion that one cannot be a core gamer while only owning a Wii is still patently ridiculous. So ridiculous it makes me wish it were okay to report people for being ridiculous.

We should have a "Wall of Shame" here at VGChartz.