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Forums - Gaming Discussion - You dont have to mention Wii everytime someone talks about PS3 vs 360!

Yes Wii do.

Actually, in the context of who wiins second place, its fine to limit it to 360/PS3.

The problem is when some people let the hyperbole run away with them, like "360 is dominating" or "PS3 sales are amazing!", phrases that lose all meaning while the consoles remain in the Wii's shadow.

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if we don't consider the wii and the xbox 360, PS3 Is winning !!! Fuck yeah!!

Bet reminder: I bet with Tboned51 that Splatoon won't reach the 1 million shipped mark by the end of 2015. I win if he loses and I lose if I lost.

Staude said:
llewdebkram said:
I propose that every time PS3 vs Xbox360 sales are discussed the thread is started with:

'Wii is obviously the best and is going to win agianst the inferior PS3 and Xbox360 consoles.'

The everyone will instantly know the thread is only about the 2 'lesser' and 'minor' placed consoles.



cept that the consoles themselves are in every possible way superior ... way superior.

Really?  Neither system has an IR pointer.  They can't even handle Wii Play or Link's Crossbow Training.

There is no way to stop it....

4 ≈ One

PSaiki said:
If anyone makes a thread about who is winning or probably is going to win this console generation, you can't let Wii out.

In the other hand, you can let it out if is about last place.

The numbers speak for itself.



Around the Network

wow. i really didnt expect to check back a day later, and this be on the front page. Theres some great off-topic lols in this thread though!






Check out my pyro tf2 vid :)


Bet With routsounmanman: By the end of Q1 2008 Capcom WONT have announced a RE5 Wii Edition OR a new RE (classic gameplay) for the Wii (WON)


chapset said:
if we don't consider the wii and the xbox 360, PS3 Is winning !!! Fuck yeah!!

Brilliant! :)


PS3 Fan: Yay! PS3 is winning this generation!

360 Fan: Wait a second... I'm pretty sure the 360 is beating the PS3...

PS3 Fan: God!  I can't have a PS3-Only Discussion without some 360 Fan coming in and bringing up the 360 and ruining everything!!! (runs off and cries)

Wii = Winner of current generation. PS3 and X360 are fighting out for best placed loser.

Comrade Tovya said:

Sony on the other hand is stepping backwards.  Completely ruling two straight generations and then losing their monopoly in the 3rd (but gaining a monopoly in storage media in return).


Sony is not even #1 member in Blue Ray consortium, how did it do them monopoly? I think we are on safe ground that Sony wasted and burnt utterly their money with PS3 with no any real benefit from it. As for BD, it will be not so long untill it becomes new Super Audio CD (a.k.a. niche) thanks to streaming and digital distribution. Kaboom.

PS3 and X360 fans are very bitter this generation due to the dominance of the Wii. It is similar to the bitterness of GC and XBox fans of last generation when the PS2 was cleaning up.