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Forums - Gaming Discussion - You dont have to mention Wii everytime someone talks about PS3 vs 360!

BoleroOfFire said:
Comrade Tovya said:
BoleroOfFire said:

@Comrade: I apologize, I read through this thread hours ago and forgot that you were applying the definition to yourself.  Your later post didn't mention it hence the confusion.      


It's okay, I am used to being misinterpreted.  ;)

Like I've stated in most of my posts since I started posting here.  I'm not a fanboy by an means.  I'm a game-fan in general.  Therefore I am openly supportive and critical each console equally... hell, I bought all of them, so I deserve to be critical of them when it doesn't do what I want it to do! lol

None of the consoles released this generation have been a disappointment per se so far in my opinion.  There is lots to love about each of the capabilities for me at least.

Sounds fair to me.  Just remember, my mom is more hardcore than you at House of the Dead 2 and 3 on the Wii.  



I have no doubt... my 7 year old kid is more hardcore than me too.  He started playing Halo when he was 2 (no joke) and went online and kicked my friends butts on Halo 2 when he was 4.  The little kids and the older folks are taking our private gamer world over. ;)


Wii Code:



XBOX LIVE: Comrade Tovya 2


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Could it be because Microsoft says it is competing against Nintendo?

Mike from Morgantown


I am Mario.

I like to jump around, and would lead a fairly serene and aimless existence if it weren't for my friends always getting into trouble. I love to help out, even when it puts me at risk. I seem to make friends with people who just can't stay out of trouble.

Wii Friend Code: 1624 6601 1126 1492


donathos said:
Million said:
Funny how Wii owners hijack the thread with useless posts.


 Well, to be fair, based on the OP, I kinda figure that this thread is about useless posts.

I said ROFFLE!


Tag - "No trolling on my watch!"

RolStoppable said:
BoleroOfFire's post and Wii_R2_Hardcore's signature GIF go hand in hand.

Lol, I just noticed that!  However, it's funnier when a bunch of guys do it.  Plus you get to make fun of their 'hobbies' if you catch my drift.  


Proud member of the Mega Mario Movement


Warrior of Light

No, it's not funnier or no, you don't get what I mean?

Proud member of the Mega Mario Movement


Warrior of Light

Around the Network

I don´t know, it seems to me that some like to "pretend" the Wii doesn´t belong in the race, a somewhat arrogant attitude (at least in my opinion) meaning that HD consoles are "nextgen" and Wii is not.

I can understand that those who just like to compare PS3 and 360 sales for which who could wind up in second place can be annoyed about the subject of Wii coming up but for those in the category i described above I think it´s fitting to remind them that Wii DO compete with the HDconsoles in the salesrace this gen.

If one does not want cunfusion I think it´s a good thing to say that either of the HDconsoles could beat the other for 2:nd place finish in the race.

Just my two cent on the subject.

amp316 said:
Refrigerators are hardcore!!!!

What is the definition of being a refrigerator then? Being cold or just being colder then the competition?

Comrade Tovya said:
Tuulikk said:

Wii has the blood and guts think, but I don't know about shooters.

If Wii got more shooters and they where original (to a degree), exclusive games with all the blood you want, would you buy them?


Yes.  Not as much as I would for the 360 or PS3, but only because of the HD graphics & sound of those two consoles.  I like the Wii, I just want to see more games that interest me is all.

And as I've stated a million times, I think Nintendo was absolutely brilliant this time around (and I think it has been since at least the SNES that I've said that about them).

The Conduit and Red Steel 2 ain't on your mind?

My girlfriend is playing Fable II and Assassins Creed on her Xbox 360 and I wonder which console she will play the most of Xbox 360 and Wii. Interesting to see. :)

To bad developers and publishers wasn't brilliant enough to use what Nintendo created. I like little cartoony and past generation style core games as they can grow a tradeoff for developers and publishers to do better games for the money they earn in previous games.

But I don't like multiplatform games with missing features that the last gen consoles had in their time and lesser graphics then GameCube can handle. Maybe I'm hard on the multplats, but if they have great graphics on the HD consoles, then they don't have to look like PS2 games on Wii. And I don't like some casual games that don't even sell. But I think it will get better in those areas.

Tuulikk said:
Comrade Tovya said:
Tuulikk said:

Wii has the blood and guts think, but I don't know about shooters.

If Wii got more shooters and they where original (to a degree), exclusive games with all the blood you want, would you buy them?


Yes.  Not as much as I would for the 360 or PS3, but only because of the HD graphics & sound of those two consoles.  I like the Wii, I just want to see more games that interest me is all.

And as I've stated a million times, I think Nintendo was absolutely brilliant this time around (and I think it has been since at least the SNES that I've said that about them).

The Conduit and Red Steel 2 ain't on your mind?

My girlfriend is playing Fable II and Assassins Creed on her Xbox 360 and I wonder which console she will play the most of Xbox 360 and Wii. Interesting to see. :)

To bad developers and publishers wasn't brilliant enough to use what Nintendo created. I like little cartoony and past generation style core games as they can grow a tradeoff for developers and publishers to do better games for the money they earn in previous games.

But I don't like multiplatform games with missing features that the last gen consoles had in their time and lesser graphics then GameCube can handle. Maybe I'm hard on the multplats, but if they have great graphics on the HD consoles, then they don't have to look like PS2 games on Wii. And I don't like some casual games that don't even sell. But I think it will get better in those areas.

Yeah, I wish Nintendo had put a little more power into their GPU.  The graphics remind me of the SNES or something...

Though I still find it ironic that the two powerwul consoles and their makers are now trying to mimic the little Atari-like-powered Nintendo console with really cool controllers.  That's probably a first in the history of the gaming industry... the star quarterback and the big linebacker want to be like the little midget math nerd who's going to graduate with honors. Let this be a lesson kiddos, the little nerdy midget in your school might just kick your ass one day... so don't pick on him! LOL



Wii Code:



XBOX LIVE: Comrade Tovya 2


radha said:

So there is no definition for hardcore?? 0_o if we where talking about something else would it be hard to say what hardcore is ???? if i say am a hardcore driver but i own a Honda  civic, am i hardcore???can i be compared to someone with an r-type sports car or a collection car???? is hardcore someone that drives home every day????

Well, in reading what I have for the last year, no: there's no commonly accepted definition for hardcore in the gaming community.  I've read several different attempts to define the term, and so far, there hasn't been any consensus.  (Or, to quote Wikipedia: "There is currently no unanimously agreed upon definition for the term.")  You, in particular, seem to feel that "hardcore" means the kinds of games you and your friends happen to like.  You can't seem to provide any real definition, or reasoning, except to rattle off a bunch of games you think are cool.  And so, because your "definition" is so very loose and flawed, your attempt to make a pronouncement like Wii-only owners cannot be "hardcore" comes across as immature, short-sided and vaguely like an attempt to insult. 

So look, if you think it's a big issue, and that gamers need to be divided up into camps and labelled because that'll make the PS3's shrinking marketshare somehow more palatable, or whatever it is that is your issue, be my guest.  But before you do, go ahead and put some more thought into it

But really, instead of spending your time trying to pin down the root essence of hardcoreness, you should probably be asking yourself: what on earth does it matter?