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Forums - Gaming Discussion - You dont have to mention Wii everytime someone talks about PS3 vs 360!

^really i thought it was about dolphins


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@amp: Correction, he had TWO threads on it (and both were equally stupid).

@Comrade: I have no problem with you liking better graphics. My issue with what you said is that you define 'hardcore' as only the consoles with superior graphics. Furthermore, it is just your opinion that PS360 game are more immersive. I find something as simple as shaking my Wiimote to simulate me shaking a soda can much more immersive than seeing more details on a tree.

Proud member of the Mega Mario Movement


Warrior of Light

You know what? It is true. The Wii has nothing to do in threads about this generation's losers fight for the second place. Lets leave them alone, guys.

donathos said:
radha said:
apparently you think that a hardcore gamer is someone that plays for a long time. I would like to see that wii games that are hardcore and at the same time are owned by the majority of wii owners, this would be evidence that the system is seen as both a hardcore and casual console. Again a hardcore gamer that owns a wii and haven't played MGS4, gears1/2, bioshock or any other hardcore game of this gen would be already planning on baying a ps360.


I disagree.

What makes you think that all "hardcore gamers" have the exact same interest in games?

I like Final Fantasy (obviously), but I don't expect every hardcore gamer to share my interest in RPGs.   I'm not a big fan of GTA or realistic racing games -- I much prefer Mario Kart (though F-Zero is actually my fav).  Everyone has different interests and tastes, even among hardcore gamers.

Isn't it possible for someone to be a hardcore gamer and simply prefer the style of game available on the Wii more than the shooter-dominated 360 or PS3?

And what about something possibly "new," like the female hardcore gamer, who might not have much of an interest in Gears of War... but maybe she can find something that she wants to play somewhere else?

You seem to want to believe that hardcore gamers are those people who have the same interests in gaming that you do, and since you can't personally imagine only owning a Wii this gen, you believe that a true hardcore gamer wouldn't...

But: you don't get to set the standard for "hardcore gaming," whatever that actually means, and whether or not it makes any real difference in the world.

Finally, I consider myself a fairly hardcore gamer; I started with the computer consoles (requiring floppys or being hard-wired with pong variations) and game to this day.  I only have a Wii.  It's not that I don't have an interest in any other games (I'd love to play through Bioshock or MSG4), but that my gaming needs are satisfied with the Wii.  It's the friendliest console for my household, given that I want to include my fiancee in my love for gaming, and I love features like the Virtual Console and the innovations that Nintendo seems continually to deliver.  Finally, several of the games kick ass -- I put Super Mario Galaxy easily in my Top 5, all time.

And, btw, if you think you've gotten some hostile feedback on this topic, it's because you've set yourself up as "the person who gets to decide who's hardcore and who isn't."  Sorry, but there is no one who gets to do that, and if there was someone, it probably wouldn't be you. ;)

So there is no definition for hardcore?? 0_o if we where talking about something else would it be hard to say what hardcore is ???? if i say am a hardcore driver but i own a Honda  civic, am i hardcore???can i be compared to someone with an r-type sports car or a collection car???? is hardcore someone that drives home every day????

dd if = /dev/brain | tail -f | grep games | nc -lnvvp 80

Hey Listen!

BoleroOfFire said:

@amp: Correction, he had TWO threads on it (and both were equally stupid).

@Comrade: I have no problem with you liking better graphics. My issue with what you said is that you define 'hardcore' as only the consoles with superior graphics. Furthermore, it is just your opinion that PS360 game are more immersive. I find something as simple as shaking my Wiimote to simulate me shaking a soda can much more immersive than seeing more details on a tree.


No, that means you didn't read a thing I wrote.  I said a "hardcore game for myself".  I specifically stated that is what I consider as hardcore when I (I as in myself, me, in the first person) choose a game.  I never stated that it is the definition of hardcore for all games and all gamers.  I even stated a granny playing Wii Sports could be considered hardcore.

Each person defines what is "hardcore" for themselves.  The industry defines hardcore with dollar signs... Hardcore = Profitable Customer

Please tell me you understand me (I've only been writing the same thing in this thread for 4 hours now).


Wii Code:



XBOX LIVE: Comrade Tovya 2


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@Comrade: I apologize, I read through this thread hours ago and forgot that you were applying the definition to yourself.  Your later post didn't mention it hence the confusion.      

Proud member of the Mega Mario Movement


Warrior of Light

Refrigerators are hardcore!!!!

Proud member of the SONIC SUPPORT SQUAD

Tag "Sorry man. Someone pissed in my Wheaties."

"There are like ten games a year that sell over a million units."  High Voltage CEO -  Eric Nofsinger

BoleroOfFire said:

@Comrade: I apologize, I read through this thread hours ago and forgot that you were applying the definition to yourself.  Your later post didn't mention it hence the confusion.      


It's okay, I am used to being misinterpreted.  ;)

Like I've stated in most of my posts since I started posting here.  I'm not a fanboy by an means.  I'm a game-fan in general.  Therefore I am openly supportive and critical each console equally... hell, I bought all of them, so I deserve to be critical of them when it doesn't do what I want it to do! lol

None of the consoles released this generation have been a disappointment per se so far in my opinion.  There is lots to love about each of the capabilities for me at least.


Wii Code:



XBOX LIVE: Comrade Tovya 2


I think the problem is that it isn't always what they mean. From predictions it seems that people who think that 360 will win are saying 2nd. Always thinking 360 60 mil pse 45 mil or something and wii liek 150 mil. or whatever it is.

while if a ps3 fan brings up win, they actually mean win. they somehow think wii is gonna stop at 50 million and ps3 gonna be 130 million or something.

Comrade Tovya said:
BoleroOfFire said:

@Comrade: I apologize, I read through this thread hours ago and forgot that you were applying the definition to yourself.  Your later post didn't mention it hence the confusion.      


It's okay, I am used to being misinterpreted.  ;)

Like I've stated in most of my posts since I started posting here.  I'm not a fanboy by an means.  I'm a game-fan in general.  Therefore I am openly supportive and critical each console equally... hell, I bought all of them, so I deserve to be critical of them when it doesn't do what I want it to do! lol

None of the consoles released this generation have been a disappointment per se so far in my opinion.  There is lots to love about each of the capabilities for me at least.

Sounds fair to me.  Just remember, my mom is more hardcore than you at House of the Dead 2 and 3 on the Wii.  


Proud member of the Mega Mario Movement


Warrior of Light