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Forums - Gaming Discussion - You dont have to mention Wii everytime someone talks about PS3 vs 360!

Nobody claims the Wii is going to lose this gen.


Almost nobody.

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RolStoppable said:
amp316 said:
@ Rol. A refrigerator? I've heard of it refered to as a toy before but that's a new one on me. That dragon cat guy had an entire thread on it.

Unlike the dragon cat guy I have irrefutable proof.


So maybe I should get an HD system.  The Wii is the refrigerator and my 360 or PS3 could be my man fridge with the beer in the garage. 

Proud member of the SONIC SUPPORT SQUAD

Tag "Sorry man. Someone pissed in my Wheaties."

"There are like ten games a year that sell over a million units."  High Voltage CEO -  Eric Nofsinger

Funny how Wii owners hijack the thread with useless posts.

Million said:
Funny how Wii owners hijack the thread with useless posts.


Yeah. Funny.  Who does that?


Now what was the point of your useful post? 

Proud member of the SONIC SUPPORT SQUAD

Tag "Sorry man. Someone pissed in my Wheaties."

"There are like ten games a year that sell over a million units."  High Voltage CEO -  Eric Nofsinger

donathos said:
Scruff7 said:
thanny said:

something ive noticed a lot. Everytime someone talks in terms of 360 vs PS3, and says something like "i think the 360 will win" or whatever the case may be, someone else always says "As if, the Wii is going to win, neither the 360 or PS3 will!"

I think i should point out that the Wii winning is pretty much a foregone conclusion, and therefore doesnt need to be considered in any arguement about placings of the consoles this gen!




I totally agree with the sentiments of the OP, Perhaps there are people out there who aren't interested in the Wii, perhaps are only interested in the gaming type provided by the 360 and the PS3. Perhaps these people don't give a monkey's what the Wii is up to? or maybe they do, but see it as complimentary to the two HD consoles.

It's a pain in the backside to see a good old HD console war debate get hijacked by the "BUT THE WEE IS WAY BETTER! SEE LOOK! EVERYONE LIKES THE WEE! PS60 LOSE!"

how about a great big GET OVER IT!

i don't deny it. everyone wants a Wii, my mum wants a Wii, my girlfriend wants a Wii, my boss wants a Wii, but frankly, i don't care, and i'm sure i'm not the only HD console fan who likes talking about HD consoles without bringing the Wii into it.

So how about you take your WIIIIIIIII Wins comments and stick em (on the relevant Ninty discussion board)? hmm..?


You didn't understand the discussion.  But, I'm glad to see that this didn't get in your way -- you obviously have some anger you need to release.

OT: How about PS3 and 360 owners agree that they won't argue who's going to "win the generation" between their consoles because, obviously, that deserves someone bringing up the fact that the only possible answer is "neither."  Instead, how about PS3 and 360 owners argue about who's going to lose the generation?  That way, the Wii will never be brought up.

How about i read the opening post and totally understoon the discussion?you can see this in the way i took the OP, quoted it, and supported it by providing a further agreement.

No PS3/360 fan is trying to say the Wii won't sell more this generation, no-one is saying the Wii won't win this generation, but maybe, as you so obviously pointed out in your ignorance, they just don't care?

if they are discussing the PS3 and 360, then that is what they want to discuss. If they are comparing sales figures of these two respective consoles, because they are interested in the current HD generation, then let them. there is nothing grown up or intelligent in hijacking their discussion to inform them all that the Wii is selling better. all it will do is develop hostility (as is evident).

Atari 2600, Sega Mega Drive, Game Boy, Game Boy Advanced, N64, Playstation, Xbox, PSP Phat, PSP 3000, and PS3 60gb (upgraded to 320gb), NDS

Linux Ubuntu user

Favourite game: Killzone 3

Around the Network
amp316 said:
Million said:
Funny how Wii owners hijack the thread with useless posts.


Yeah. Funny.  Who does that?


Now what was the point of your useful post? 


I think everyone forgot to tell him that this is a Wii thread.  Hello?  What did he expect?

Maybe he'd be happier if someone would have said;

"The PS3 rulez man, all other consolez suck hard, yeah you're all gonna be sorry when Sony takes over the gaming world fool!"

There, now we can all be happy.


Wii Code:



XBOX LIVE: Comrade Tovya 2


Scruff7 said:

No PS3/360 fan is trying to say the Wii won't sell more this generation, no-one is saying the Wii won't win this generation


You're very close

Comrade Tovya said:
amp316 said:
Million said:
Funny how Wii owners hijack the thread with useless posts.


Yeah. Funny.  Who does that?


Now what was the point of your useful post? 


I think everyone forgot to tell him that this is a Wii thread.  Hello?  What did he expect?

Maybe he'd be happier if someone would have said;

"The PS3 rulez man, all other consolez suck hard, yeah you're all gonna be sorry when Sony takes over the gaming world fool!"

There, now we can all be happy.


No it's a general gaming thread and, as Rol pointed out, the Wii is a refrigerator. 


Maybe I should leave.  :(

Proud member of the SONIC SUPPORT SQUAD

Tag "Sorry man. Someone pissed in my Wheaties."

"There are like ten games a year that sell over a million units."  High Voltage CEO -  Eric Nofsinger

bardicverse said:
Khuutra said:


KBAM is for noobs

In my day we used the arrow keys to move AND aim and we had to hold Shift to strafe

Dark days


Hahah I played like that for ages and refused the mouse until maybe like 3-4 years ago. I was an arrow key gunner. Old habits from my 286 ;)


Comrade - To each his own =) I'd like to test your controller speed vs my KB&M speed someday ;)

To be honest, I actually made a semi -Wii rig out of my PC. I have a GameCube to USB adapter, so I use the left side of the GC controller for char movement and jump, then use the mouse for fire, reload, change weapon, aiming. Its sweet, and I can sit back and not be hunched over the KB, unless I want to chat in game, which I never do.


Sorry, overlooked your response earlier...

Yeah, the 286.  I remember when I upgraded to my 386 (I was the first kid of the block with one) and I thought, "look at the speed!  look at the 200mb HDD!  I'll never need another system, this is just too sweet!"

As for your controller, that's pretty innovative actually.  I think everyone has a gaming-style niche... one way is easier than another for someone else.  I used to be a keyboard guy myself, so I haven't forgotten completely.  Isn't there a way to rig up a keyboard and mouse on a PS3 to do just that?  I don't know, as I've never tried.  My buddy David is an electronics whiz and hacker king, so I'll see if he can rig it up for me to test it out.


Wii Code:



XBOX LIVE: Comrade Tovya 2


Million said:
Funny how Wii owners hijack the thread with useless posts.


 Well, to be fair, based on the OP, I kinda figure that this thread is about useless posts.