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Forums - Sales Discussion - Will the PS3 outsell the Xbox 360 worlwide anytime durring the next 5 weeks

So there's 5 week's left of 2008, these are the most important 5 weeks of the year, so durring those 5 weeks do you think the PS3 will outsell the Xbox 360 for any week durring those 5 weeks.

By the looks of things I think it's looking doughtful.

Any other opinions?

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Umm....well, no....but why would you even make this thread? Its kind of asking for the torches to get broken out.

GOTY Contestants this year: Dead Space 2, Dark Souls, Tales of Graces f. Everything else can suck it.

Shadowblind said:

Umm....well, no....but why would you even make this thread? Its kind of asking for the torches to get broken out.

I just want to see what peoples opinions are to see if it's even possible if the PS3 could outsell it for a certain week and why

It is impossible.

Look at the sales data...
The trend is big. Really big. 360 Momentum for HD console.


My Gaming Setup

I wont Happen

*Al Bundy's My Hero*


*Al Bundy For President*

Waiting On GT7!!!

 PSN ID: Acidfacekiller

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You people are crazy. It is entirely possible.

MS sells out their entire stock of 360s in the next 2 weeks. The 360 then has a week where they have zero sales. Thus PS3 wins the week.


Sony has some great games pushing the PS3 this holiday, and is doing well despite its price. But Nintendo and MS just have too much momentum, and it doesnt look to be slowing down anytime soon.

PS3 is done for the year. PSP will probably beat it

even god also think it is impossible.
So what can we expect?

No, not in the next five weeks. But I'd be surprised if the 360 continued to outsell the PS3 up until the rumored price drop. I'd say mid January early February we will see the PS3 on top again.