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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Microsoft to offer movies and anime on Xbox 360 in Japan
Well that should help move more consoles

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Microsoft to offer movies and anime on Xbox 360 -- Nikkei
Domestic service to begin in 2009.

--Dec 04, 2008, 10:06, Tokyo--Microsoft will offer movies and anime for paid download through the Xbox 360 starting in 2009, the Nihon Keizai Shimbun reports in its Thursday morning edition.

Different from the American market, where the 360 has seen movie and television show downloads since 2006, a similar program has yet to start for the system domestically. Microsoft's difficulties here surround complex copyright issues, according to the paper.

The decision to offer media domestically came in part as a response to similar non-gaming offerings on competing platforms, the paper says. Sony began in September offering anime for rental through the PlayStation Store. The Wii will see a download service via WiiWare from Fuji Software some time this month. In addition, the Wii will also be the first recipient of a download service from major broadcasters like TBS and Fuji TV, set to start in 2009.

While the paper did not share specific details on Microsoft's download plans, it did say that the company will be working with domestic download service providers.



Nothing new, this was a must-do move for MS...

very cool





this really wont affect a thing...

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ssj12 said:
this really wont affect a thing...


Japan begs to differ....

Official member of the Xbox 360 Squad

I want anime.... T_T

Former something....

MS know how to take the attention of Japan

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WarmachineX said:
ssj12 said:
this really wont affect a thing...


Japan begs to differ....

care to back this statement up with some evidence?

I highly doubt that offering anime through the Xbox will move a bunch of consoles, seeing as in Japan they have these things called Computers...and TV's...and DVD's.

Stats87 said:
WarmachineX said:
ssj12 said:
this really wont affect a thing...


Japan begs to differ....

care to back this statement up with some evidence?

I highly doubt that offering anime through the Xbox will move a bunch of consoles, seeing as in Japan they have these things called Computers...and TV's...and DVD's.


Exactly, but how about the fact they have like 40 TV networks that run anime? even one or two that run it 24/7.

PC gaming is better than console gaming. Always.     We are Anonymous, We are Legion    Kick-ass interview   Great Flash Series Here    Anime Ratings     Make and Play Please
Amazing discussion about being wrong
Official VGChartz Folding@Home Team #109453