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Forums - Sony Discussion - Unreal Tournament III (PS3 Version) Questions.


Long story short i got a great deal on this game on Blackfriday Amazon for 17 bux total!

Sad to say though i choose this game over PS3 Exclusives such as R&C Tools & R1 & R2 Combo deal...Please Makingmusic dont ban me... :(

Anyways i wanted to know if this games Online is still alive and aswell how the Custom Mods work, i saw a Vid on youtube someone playing as Cloud, Zack, & Marcus Fenix on the PS3 Version of UT3...

Thanks in advance! :P

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...? Nothing...really? ...uhg thats not good...

I don't have it but i heard it's fine. Obviously i didn't get it because the later released 360 version has splitscreen and the ps3 version does not. However, all the mod's i've seen cept for the Lego one (saw some videoes etc and i have it on pc (got it really cheap) leans towards it being just fine. :)

Check out my game about moles ^

Staude said:
I don't have it but i heard it's fine. Obviously i didn't get it because the later released 360 version has splitscreen and the ps3 version does not. However, all the mod's i've seen cept for the Lego one (saw some videoes etc and i have it on pc (got it really cheap) leans towards it being just fine. :)


Ah, awesome spilscreen isnt big for me anyway.

So then mods can be used on the PS3 Version then? Sweet!

Definitely you can use mods, but some of them can only be used in certain servers, specially my favorite one, the 3rd person cam :(

Don't know if online is still alive, i don't play it for a few months from lack of time and other games, but you could always find a game.

And playing with keyboard and mouse if you want is a big plus for me :)

Flow -"The important is to pwn other ppl"

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Flow said:
Definitely you can use mods, but some of them can only be used in certain servers, specially my favorite one, the 3rd person cam :(

Don't know if online is still alive, i don't play it for a few months from lack of time and other games, but you could always find a game.

And playing with keyboard and mouse if you want is a big plus for me :)


Awesome! So regardless there should be some kind of game going right? sweet.

So how do i get these mods? I hear'd there was a way you could do it right from the PS3's browser.

when i last played there was very little online activity. there was at most 2-3 active servers per game mode. for the mods and instructions. i always put them on a thumbdrive using my computer and then downloaded them onto my ps3.

Demon's Souls Official Thread  | Currently playing: Left 4 Dead 2, LittleBigPlanet 2, Magicka

ameratsu said:
when i last played there was very little online activity. there was at most 2-3 active servers per game mode. for the mods and instructions. i always put them on a thumbdrive using my computer and then downloaded them onto my ps3. one plays this game anymore? ... great ...  no wonder it was only 17 bux...

Is there any other wawy to Download/Install it on the PS3 without the Use of a PC? due to the fact im just far to lazy...

People still play last I checked, just that there are very few active servers. I actually really like it, but it's frustrating that when you want to hop on for a quick game nobody is playing. I'll play with you if you'd like, pm me your PSN. I don't know how to download mods directly.

Demon's Souls Official Thread  | Currently playing: Left 4 Dead 2, LittleBigPlanet 2, Magicka

ameratsu said:
People still play last I checked, just that there are very few active servers. I actually really like it, but it's frustrating that when you want to hop on for a quick game nobody is playing. I'll play with you if you'd like, pm me your PSN. I don't know how to download mods directly.


Ahh, alright cool np.

And alright you want me to PM you Via PSN or here on VG?